Seems to me at this point - carry on as you have been doing. I think the whole market place, at least in the States is too volatile. You can have some of the most creative people that are the nicest guys but they may not be here tomorrow cause they are lousy business people---most creatives at anything are, You've got the big companies who are already jumping through the individual states hoops and regulations who "should" be reputable but here again the marketplace is so volatile, those with deep pockets may not be here tomorrow.
Personally, like
@Dichoti I'll be sticking with the folks who already have a proven track record.
That said, coming up with some sort of plan for when things calm down a bit is a good idea.
@Olderfart , "in fairness, testing has to be done by growers who have proven that they know what they are doing. " I think you also need to give it to those who don't know what they are doing cause they are the ones that will find a weakness because they don't know any better.
I had some friends that worked in a traveling petting zoo. They had a chimpanzee and a standing bet of $500 that you couldn't put a toy in the cage and have it last more than 5 minutes. They constantly had major toy manufacturers like Tonka etc stop by with toy prototypes to see if it would hold up. They never paid out the $500.
My $2------$.02 adjusted for inflation