New Grower DWC, Megacrop, Forgotten Cookies. COBS and QBs

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So the reason for the post is something I’ve been trying to figure out for a bit. Transplanting/ starting DWC without taking up tons of space. Because I use the 8” current culture pots that go with my tops, only $6 each. I wanted a smaller area to stack my girls for the first four weeks and I think this will work. I had considered a big tote or custom box. But I really want the individual flexibility to move them around easily. I’ll be using one small pump and manifold to run six at a time. These are 5 quart buckets and seem to work well. Only issue I foresee is the water temp will definitely be room temp because of the volume. Hydroguard from the get go. My Blue Dream CBD will be hitting these in the next few days. Fingers crossed it works out. If not they were freebies.View attachment 1058336 View attachment 1058337 View attachment 1058338 View attachment 1058339
One problem you with those red buckets is light. It appear light goes right thru them in the pictures, could wreck havoc with your roots. Maybe some foil tape on the outside would work?
Definitely gonna be a problem , good looking out @HemiSync . Noticed that also. I have some much nicer heavy duty black ones. Only have two and can’t remember where I bought them from. Wally World and the cheapo Home Depot didn’t have them so I’ll keep looking. Hopefully I’ll find some before these become s problem, they were $2.50 a piece so my hopes were low that I wouldn’t break them drilling holes in them and removing the handle.

I think I’ve decided running two rooms in flower is a pain for me. I’m thinking I’m gonna try to setup a perpetual grow but with groups instead of individual plants. Would like to try and move 6 plants from bench top for 3 weeks. QB room at 4k for weeks 3-6 and then let them spread out in the cob room to finish. Might swap out my 3k/4k cob room for all 3k and throw some far reds in. I have heard all the arguments about penetration but honestly I feel like the COBs spaced in pairs 12” apart is pushing through the canopy a lot more than the QBs. I’m only judging based on how pronounced the shadow are in Cob room and in the QB room they are just grey and shaded under the canopy. Could of be how dense I have the plants in the QB rooom so we shall see.

Thanks to anyone who’s reading through all my babbling.

Definitely gonna be a problem , good looking out @HemiSync . Noticed that also. I have some much nicer heavy duty black ones. Only have two and can’t remember where I bought them from. Wally World and the cheapo Home Depot didn’t have them so I’ll keep looking. Hopefully I’ll find some before these become s problem, they were $2.50 a piece so my hopes were low that I wouldn’t break them drilling holes in them and removing the handle.

I think I’ve decided running two rooms in flower is a pain for me. I’m thinking I’m gonna try to setup a perpetual grow but with groups instead of individual plants. Would like to try and move 6 plants from bench top for 3 weeks. QB room at 4k for weeks 3-6 and then let them spread out in the cob room to finish. Might swap out my 3k/4k cob room for all 3k and throw some far reds in. I have heard all the arguments about penetration but honestly I feel like the COBs spaced in pairs 12” apart is pushing through the canopy a lot more than the QBs. I’m only judging based on how pronounced the shadow are in Cob room and in the QB room they are just grey and shaded under the canopy. Could of be how dense I have the plants in the QB rooom so we shall see.

Thanks to anyone who’s reading through all my babbling.

You can still use them. I had something similar with a cooler I was trying to convert to a DWC. My top was made out of polystyrene and the light went right thru it and was causing root rot. I used the silver duct tape to wrap the outside This stopped the light penetration and gave me a nice shiny top for reflecting the light.
So it was pretty clear once I harvested my NCH and Critical plants that I had one plant alone in a big room and four plants stuffed into a tiny closet. Moved all plants into the big room and brought the QBs with them. Will finish all plants off in this room on 17/7. Still under the correct lights though.
Plants definitely like the extra room. Although the tight wall were holding up most of the larger FCs from the tiny QB room. I know they already love the ability to spread themselves out a bit but this could cause some issues as the buds swell, not sure the branches will have what it takes to hold them together.
Whole room

Whole room canopy level

Big girl that’s always been under cob, whole rail to herself now at 175w

This is one of the two fastest but now the smallest

Second fastest now smallest

Slower but now the largest plant

The other slow girl looking sloppy, bitch better stand up and represent.

All the plants under QBs are getting 125w each. Rails are st 250 out of 300 and I’ll leave them there. Circulation fan helping to cool.
All bud structure across all plants seems to have the same density. Flowers that were always under cob are visibly larger.
Two biggest girls from QB room are about 2 weeks slower than the fastest so if they don’t fall all over the place may have a chance to out produce the others.

Honestly every time I look at these plants I have a different thought on the outcome.

What is for sure so far is that 16/8 can definitely keep up and grow some good sized plants. Yield is still up in the air but density of bud and overall growth has been on par.

So opinions from anyone welcome.
Spent the day wondering when the last time I gave the plants cal/ mg. Couldn’t remember but if I’ve given them 8-10 ml each over the entire grow I’d be surprised. I’m giving a tenth of the amounts I’ve used before and I always had spots. This grow I have been religious about the epsom salt. And as you know I run dirty water so I could have build up if salts but they are all still drinking and growing. I run MC1 which is/was notorious for needing Calcium.

I’m wondering if it’s not calcium that the plants are using more of with LED but actually Mag. I have absolutely no signs of deficiency this grow. And have been using minimal cal/mag but about a 1/4 tsp of epsom per gallon with every top off.

Other factors could be first Mephisto, and I sprayed Iptic foliage overgrow through out veg. I know the optic helps a lot and probably gives it the added calcium. But not nearly as much as the GH calimagic.

Anyone else running epsom and using less calcium ????

Also thoughts of silica wanted if anyone had some. Now that I run very light on my nutrients I never have a PH issue that needs to be corrected up. I used to used the silica for that. Thus run of Mephisto is a bit sloppy and will have some issues when the buds swell holding herself up. Is it to late for silica to help strengthen her for the bulk?

I’m not an expert on this matter Frenjy, but if you’re not getting any problems without cal or mag, there’s no need to add any extra. It looks like the plants are happy enough with what you’ve been giving them.

No spots/ yellowing.. no problem! [emoji41]

As for droopy branches.. get some yo-yos and hook em up to the sky!

Looking good in there, mate. [emoji1360]
Thanks @Vlad The Inhaler
Elevated when I read your post and hit the ole one click ordering. Ten on the way, also 20 Boveda packs. Thanks for the suggestion on the yo-yo. Boxes of misc growing supplies continue to get more plentiful.

@HemiSync here is the shoddy DWC shelf setup for starting. I was to lazy to wrap them, which I know is wrong. Just so busy in the room last few days. Fingers crossed I find buckets before there is an issue.

On another note I’ve had 100% germ across my last 16 seeds. Probably just jinxed myself. Had 2 NCH germ and grow identical. The five Forgotten Cookies all germed within hours. I started 4 FB CBD cracks all getmed but two look sad. And them the five Blue Dream CBD all getmed and look identical at this stage. So either I’ve been lucky, the seeds have just been great or I have finally got a method figured out. Feels like a big step. FWIW the FB seeds were from seedsman so guessing the distortions could be old seeds or...

Here’s the 5 Blue Dream CBD, fingers crossed this works for the time I need it to.

And since this is the Forgotten Cookies thread here are some bud shots from all the different girls.
Slowest but largest undervthe QB

Fastest but smallest under the QB

And the the COB girl. Amber tinge is from the 3k cobs. 3k/4K mix on the cob rails.

Gave a dose of MC1 and Maxibloom to the four QB girls today when I topped the buckets off. Cob girl got MC and powder kool bloom.

All cruising right along. Slight light adjustments after the move but getting them sorted in the new area. 17/7 turned the QBS rails down to 200w from the 250, you can see a bit of stress. They are at 12” from highest, also the pictures are of the highest flowers.

Peace and good vibes.
Update time.

Lights out and grabbed this shot of the room. Girls looking frosty, all progressing nicely, I think this grow would be over by now in soil. But they soldier on in the bath.

Might be taking top flower on the farthest along next weekend. Not feeling like the largest buds will get any bigger and they are already dense so might not be anymore swelling but we shall see. These Mephisto have bud that is s little smaller than other breeders gear I’ve run, but they are super dense and look better than others.

Looking forward to some top shelf frosty Mephisto genetics.

Update time.

Lights out and grabbed this shot of the room. Girls looking frosty, all progressing nicely, I think this grow would be over by now in soil. But they soldier on in the bath.

Might be taking top flower on the farthest along next weekend. Not feeling like the largest buds will get any bigger and they are already dense so might not be anymore swelling but we shall see. These Mephisto have bud that is s little smaller than other breeders gear I’ve run, but they are super dense and look better than others.

Looking forward to some top shelf frosty Mephisto genetics. View attachment 1061175

Thats so sexy!
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