New Grower DWC, Megacrop, Forgotten Cookies. COBS and QBs

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I don’t want to be responsible for floating plants. I use hydroton as my medium and don’t do it until they are in full flower building big buds. I was very surprised my first grows when the big girls started started taking down a gallon a day. Things got dry pretty fast. I was a bit nervous about “ drowning my plants” lol in DWC by filling to the top. So I tried a little bit every day. Absolutely no issues on my end, my air pumps are good but by full flowers IMHO I don’t see any issue on my end.

I’ll be updating the post with pics in s but and will get some pictures of my big girls water level


I don’t want to be responsible for floating plants. I use hydroton as my medium and don’t do it until they are in full flower building big buds. I was very surprised my first grows when the big girls started started taking down a gallon a day. Things got dry pretty fast. I was a bit nervous about “ drowning my plants” lol in DWC by filling to the top. So I tried a little bit every day. Absolutely no issues on my end, my air pumps are good but by full flowers IMHO I don’t see any issue on my end.

I’ll be updating the post with pics in s but and will get some pictures of my big girls water level


Oh that was all my fault. I pushed it way to far. Plus back then I used hydroton which floats. I now use grow stones which seem less buoyant. Im topping it off tonight as soon as I get home. She is drinking a gallon a day right now.
WTF update
So never tend to your plants when you are not super chill. Maybe I was a bit rushed or just lazy. I was clearing out the lowers on the FC in the COB room and instead of rotating the plant I stuck my big old hands through the bottom to trim in the opposite side. On the way back my gorilla hands ripped off an entire lower branch. I’ve torn or snapped some before and just thrown tape on it. But this fecker came right off. 1/2 zip of primo down the drain. Oh well, could be worse. Lessons learned every day. Slow down lol. Here’s the damage.

Now let’s look at some plants. This week all the FCs have been transitioning to bloom. For me that’s MC1 with GH maxibloom. 1:1. Straight in the buckets no mixing and no EC. I’ve gotten away from EC and just been relying on PH. PH goes up I increase feed, PH goes down I add water to bring it up until it stabilizes for a few days and continue with the listening to see what they want.
So these next two pictures are the smaller FCs they are about 12” tall and 24” round. They are under 50w of QB each at about 12” and they are staying short and bushy. They look really good with lots of flower sites so I’m happy with them.

And their roots

Now here are the two larger girls and they are definitely showing their stretchy side with a bit of height. They are at 20” and the lights have been brighter AND closer. The boards on this side are about 75w each plant and at 5” from that top.

And their roots, bucket. I like the access door because it is very easy to look at the net pot and see the water level from the previous day.

Big girls group shot

Shorties group shot

And last but not least the wounded girl in the COB room. She rightvin the middle at 18”.

And an update on the Critical CBD. I topped this off yesterday and added a tsp of KOolbloom to the bucket. Water level was 1” from the top at this time last night and today it’s down about an inch. When they are in full flower I can go 3-4 days before adding more water. My schedule is usually to top off with water and Nutrients. Skip the nutrients for one fill up and then decide how much for the next. Ends up that I add nutrient every 6-7 days. Just monitoring PH every other day, but it’s usually stable once you know your plants.

Thanks for following along,
Just a reminder for those that are popping in for the first time.
QBs are on a 16/8 schedule, and we have not changed out the buckets with fresh water. Fingers crossed

WTF update
So never tend to your plants when you are not super chill. Maybe I was a bit rushed or just lazy. I was clearing out the lowers on the FC in the COB room and instead of rotating the plant I stuck my big old hands through the bottom to trim in the opposite side. On the way back my gorilla hands ripped off an entire lower branch. I’ve torn or snapped some before and just thrown tape on it. But this fecker came right off. 1/2 zip of primo down the drain. Oh well, could be worse. Lessons learned every day. Slow down lol. Here’s the damage.View attachment 1042046

Now let’s look at some plants. This week all the FCs have been transitioning to bloom. For me that’s MC1 with GH maxibloom. 1:1. Straight in the buckets no mixing and no EC. I’ve gotten away from EC and just been relying on PH. PH goes up I increase feed, PH goes down I add water to bring it up until it stabilizes for a few days and continue with the listening to see what they want.
So these next two pictures are the smaller FCs they are about 12” tall and 24” round. They are under 50w of QB each at about 12” and they are staying short and bushy. They look really good with lots of flower sites so I’m happy with them.View attachment 1042047 View attachment 1042048
And their rootsView attachment 1042049
Now here are the two larger girls and they are definitely showing their stretchy side with a bit of height. They are at 20” and the lights have been brighter AND closer. The boards on this side are about 75w each plant and at 5” from that top. View attachment 1042050 View attachment 1042051 View attachment 1042052 View attachment 1042053
And their roots, bucket. I like the access door because it is very easy to look at the net pot and see the water level from the previous day.View attachment 1042054
Big girls group shotView attachment 1042055
Shorties group shotView attachment 1042056
And last but not least the wounded girl in the COB room. She rightvin the middle at 18”.View attachment 1042057 View attachment 1042058
And an update on the Critical CBD. I topped this off yesterday and added a tsp of KOolbloom to the bucket. Water level was 1” from the top at this time last night and today it’s down about an inch. When they are in full flower I can go 3-4 days before adding more water. My schedule is usually to top off with water and Nutrients. Skip the nutrients for one fill up and then decide how much for the next. Ends up that I add nutrient every 6-7 days. Just monitoring PH every other day, but it’s usually stable once you know your plants.View attachment 1042059 View attachment 1042060

Thanks for following along,
Just a reminder for those that are popping in for the first time.
QBs are on a 16/8 schedule, and we have not changed out the buckets with fresh water. Fingers crossed

Sorry about the mishap. Happens to us all once in a while. Girls are looking good. :d5:
My Tangie won’t stop stretching, still going up at least 1/2”a day. Here’s a pic right before I adjusted her water. 29F369E8-038C-4F92-AB49-59671E19FDB1.jpeg
Update time
QB room with the FCs on 16/8
The two big girls are flowering nicely. Space has gotten really tight in this room. It 4 by 6 but very tight. I planned on growing smaller strains and I guess I thought all Mephisto were smaller plants. I’ll have to read breeders notes and select more carefully from here on out. The two big girls are about 10 days ahead of the two smaller that broke ground on the same day.

And here are the two smaller, preflower but not yet taking off. Need to defol these this weekend. Get some air and light through them.

Here is the underside of the big girls. Very spindly but stems seem stronger every day. Light is getting through so now it’s up to these 4K QBs to step up and see if they can flower some buds.

Compared to the two smaller girls that have yet to be thinned out. Hopefully will get to them today before they start to get sticky.

That’s all for the QB room for now. This week they all got 1tsp of MC1 with 2tsp of Maxibloom and epsom. Topped off and left alone.



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And let’s not forget the FC in the cob room. I honestly can’t tell if it’s bigger than the ones in the QB room. The rooms have different space and this one has more room so it might look bigger. The QB room is packed pretty tight so it might be deceiving. The FC in the cob room might be just a few days behind the large ones in the other room but definitely a week ahead of the small ones.

And then for fun my first Mephisto plants bulking up. The NCHs

The Critical

The COB room. 5 plants

The FC grow seems to be going very well. I am very happy with the Mephisto genetics and the grow environment. Will need to make minor adjustments to my grow style for the smaller closet but overall the plants have all been growing very well with no deficiencies yet. So far the mixed spectrums and light times don’t appear to have caused any major issues. I’m sure the next few weeks will put everything to the rest.
Let’s see how these girls frost and flower.

:vibe: Happy 420

Not really a serious update but figured 420 was required :cheers:

Here is a picture of the FC in the cob room. I have to say this week I was able to really get a look at this beast. I’m going to place early bets that this plant will outperform the QBs. And this plant even lost a branch. This room does get an extra hour per day. But I think the size restrictions in the QB room handicapped those girls.

Here is the Critical, going 2 more weeks, wanna really cool this one well.

Overview of COB room. Far right Critical, 2 Northern Cheese haze in the middle. And left front another Critical with the FC out of site to the back left

Sleepy Forgotten Cookies in the QBs room. These are the two smaller, easily 2 weeks behind now.

And the two larger FCs. Healthy and big but just seem like they are squeezed in a bit.


Will do a proper update tomorrow with more info.

Any suggestions for a smaller indica/CBD auto from Mephisto. Or just a smaller indica from Mephisto? Want to try to use the smaller space better next time without having to be aggressive with the trimming. Curious about the size of 24k in DWC or maybe .......

:chimp: :vibes:
Looking great in there!

If you're after a small indica then the Strawberry Nuggets might be for you. Tiny plant but pretty decent yielder. I didn't love, love mine, but I've seen lots of people growing it and enjoying the terp profile. Mine turned out a bit meh... but it would fit the bill.
Forgotten Cookies update
Here are the two biggest girls in the QB room. They are frosting up nicely and have a good amount of floweres. Light seems to be handling flower duties well.

Both big girls together, it’s tight.

Here are the flowers on the two smaller girls. I feel they are 1-2 weeks behind the big girls, but I don’t know much.

Here are the small girls together.

Now into the COBs room. Here are the flowers, frosting but a couple days behind the big girls in the QB room.

Just chilling in the corner. She just feels more robust to me. She is on 17/7 and mixed spectrum Cobs. As opposed to the 16/8 and 4K QBs.

And for fun, the Critical is two weeks out. Changing colors and getting dense.

Flowers on Critical

One of the NCH

And the COB room.

All DWC buckets have only been topped off throughout the grow. No major deficiencies.

Thanks to anyone interested.



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@Frenjamin Banklin my four UC8 Solo buckets and lids should be here by next Saturday. Can’t wait to change over to them. There is very little room left in my five gallon bucket for water because the Tangie’s root mass is practically filling the whole bucket.
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