Indoor Dutch Passion's Auto White Widow & Think Different

Your pics never fail to amaze me.
I hope my ladies will get the same bud overload. :3
Give me shout if you need a hand smoking that mate.

Here to help, and all

Sweet looking grow buddy.

Ha ha yeah no problem dude. Thanks for stopping by.

I'm still amazed at how green they are this late in the grow. I don't think its possible to grow any healthier plants than this. Again, spectacular job my man.

Thanks man you are too kind i look at them and only see all the flaws. thanks dude.

Your pics never fail to amaze me.
I hope my ladies will get the same bud overload. :3

im sure they will dude and thanks for the comment.
Spectacular Briain!

I will also help you smoke this man lol:Sharing One:
Thanks dude.

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More pictures

Here is Auto White Widow#1, she will be harvested on Thursday and i cant wait her buds look very dense and smell very sweet. The others come down a week after.







That some tasty looking buds! If she smokes like mine, you'll have some great meds!
I've never seen leaves more green at this stage
Beautiful looking buds Briain! Really frosty, I bet the trim would make some nice brownies.
the last pic looks like cotton candy, nom nom nom nom "Munch..munch..munch