Indoor Dutch Passion's Auto White Widow & Think Different

Yeah dude thanks for the comment, im totally dreading the trim on Think Different#1, she is going to take a good couple of hours no matter what way i go at it.
What do they smell like? The TD? I was thinking about putting one in my outdoor garden but if its strong smelling I'll have to find another strain.
Excellent grow Briain..Enjoy it mate..
I have a question for you..i'm into 50 days of my 2 WW and they are doing all good.But recently i got some heat problems because weather gets hotter and hotter and it is becoming a problem to keep outside temp low.I managed to keep it around 26-27 Celcius with 400w hps till now but for the last 3 days i had to lower it to 250w+%10 sl = 275w because heat was around 29-30.After lowering watts , temp went down to 25-26 celcius.

The question is ; is it better to use 400w hps with 29-30 celcius degress or 275w with 25-26 celcius degrees in terms of final harvest amount ,quality,taste ect ? Which one would you prefer ?

Ps= Grow tent sizes 80cm*80cm*180cm

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My seedlings copped a day at 35 and were fine. I think peak temps at around 30 for an established plant are acceptable. Im in autumn at the moment so theres still a few warmish days coming through I see max temps of 29ish at the moment and I wouldn't co sider turning one of my lights off to bring it down to 27. I also have my dark period through the hottest part of the day.
superb job brain, really nice cultivation job, and I love the resin production you have achieved too.
What do they smell like? The TD? I was thinking about putting one in my outdoor garden but if its strong smelling I'll have to find another strain.

Hey dude, the big TD smells light a light citrus haze and the smaller one has very intense, strong spicy skunk smell to her. They bigger pheno would be no problem but the smaller td really stinks to i cant say for sure dude.

Excellent grow Briain..Enjoy it mate..
I have a question for you..i'm into 50 days of my 2 WW and they are doing all good.But recently i got some heat problems because weather gets hotter and hotter and it is becoming a problem to keep outside temp low.I managed to keep it around 26-27 Celcius with 400w hps till now but for the last 3 days i had to lower it to 250w+%10 sl = 275w because heat was around 29-30.After lowering watts , temp went down to 25-26 celcius.

The question is ; is it better to use 400w hps with 29-30 celcius degress or 275w with 25-26 celcius degrees in terms of final harvest amount ,quality,taste ect ? Which one would you prefer ?

Ps= Grow tent sizes 80cm*80cm*180cm

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Dude you want to keep your temps in check so you dont strees the plant. In my opinion loose the extra watts so you have the proper temps and then in turn she will reward you with much better bud.

superb job brain, really nice cultivation job, and I love the resin production you have achieved too.

Thanks Tony, Think Different grows amazingly when trained right.
Day 73, Week 11


Not long left now all plants are well into their first week of ph'd water, only ten days left and il be harvesting.
Except for Auto White Widow#1 who will have finished her two week flush this Thursday and will be harvested then.
Auto White Widow#2 is falling down with the weight of the buds, she was a weird spikey pheno her side branches never got strong enough.
So i have tied up as much as i can to support he branches and stems in order to get the last few days of light in at those buds.
Sorry camera battery died so i only got a few snaps today.

Auto White Widow #2:


Think Different #1:















I'm still amazed at how green they are this late in the grow. I don't think its possible to grow any healthier plants than this. Again, spectacular job my man.