Indoor Dutch Passion's Auto White Widow & Think Different

I messed up man i tried to train her to late and did some massive damage to her main stem which caused her to stun and loose out on a lot of vital growing time. Thanks for the comments dude.

- - - Updated - - -

So just the smaller Auto White Widow has been harvested and dried over the last few days. She came in at a surprising 86 grams, i really didnt think i would pull that from such a tiny plant but her buds were very fat and solid as a rock. She is now sitting in the jar at RH61-62%, some pictures of some the dried buds.....


Great Job! Yea I'm loving WW also. Great smoke, great taste!
Come on Brian, admit it. Your grow-room is the Tardis !

There's no way those monsters came outta your space, no way!

Haha ;+]

Frakkin fantastic grow! DP Genetics and Brian's Fingers, what a combo :)

TD2, although smaller, will perhaps be more potent. This is the first time i've checked in on you in a month (like you need checking in on !) and i see you've had a few ups and downs, the stress TD2 has gone through will make her yield less but probably be more potent.

You can send me a spare ounce at :

1, Ratty Place,
Rodent County

Thankyou !

steely ;+}
Thanks for the comments guys it means a lot. yeah the AWW is a lovely smoke, getting better every day its in the jar. Cant stop smoking it its so good.
Thanks for the comments guys it means a lot. yeah the AWW is a lovely smoke, getting better every day its in the jar. Cant stop smoking it its so good.

I just got a cheap, chinese, desktop vape unit, similar to the Easy Vape and I got to say, vaping it is even better!
Nice man, yeah id say its really tasty. Im looking at purchasing the Wisper made by iolite.. il let you know how it is dude.
Nice job done !

280 g on TD1 ? A little bit optimistic, but hard to say without touching it.

Have you cut it already? How much wet&trimmed?
No man 280g sounds a bout right, last time i got 240 g from a Blue auto Mazar so i know its totally doable.
Final Weigh In

So first of all i would like to say thanks to everyone who came by and commented. Il be doing an Auto Ultimate and a Auto White Widow in the next couple of weeks so i hope to catch you there.

Think Different #1: 255 grams

Think Different #2: 55 grams

Auto White Widow #1: 86 grams

Auto White Widow #2: 204 grams

That give me a just a little bit over 21 ozs, i cant complain but i feel i could have done so much better, always room for improvement.
Here is some of it all jarred up, Have to say Auto White Widow is still my favorite and im very surprised by the yield, almost the same as my last grow and this girl wasnt even as big. Im really going to push the Auto White Widow to the max next time as i i know she can be a very big yielder if treated right


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That's an awesome harvest Briain, well done! I would love to have a stash like that :Sharing One:

Edit: Just went back one page, that's one impressive root ball. Mine look nothing like that.