Indoor Dutch Passion's Auto White Widow & Think Different

I apologise Brian, I haven't looked in for a while but I'm all caught up now.:grin:

Plants are mega bro, real monsters :drool:


Thank you very much dude, no bothers at all. Thanks for having a read.

Hey Brian was thinking about trying some TD's for a outdoor guerilla grow and was wondering how u think they would do in a enviorment where they couldn't be taking care of everyday, more on a weekly basis? But they would b in the ground with good pre mixed and nuted soil and the roots of course could travel far and deep? Any thoughts or ideas of other strains that might b better suited? Thanks:D

Im no expert especially when it comes to growing autos outside, this is something i havent done before as i dont have the proper climate for it. But i would recommend you go with the outdoor strains that the seed sites advertise , as they are usually better suited.

Hey Brian i don't think you mentioned it or i might have missed it but what is the size of your pots ?

Hey man yeah thats something i actaully forgot to mention. Think Different#1 is in a 30 litre pot and the rest are in 25 litres. hope that helps dude.
Thanks Brian I'll look through them and see what they recommend but sometimes it feels like all hype and sales pitch. Thought I would ask around in the auto community and see if anyone had some advice. No worries happy growing.
Day 54

Just Some Photo's

Not a whole lot to say so just some pictures of the smaller girls today.

Auto White Widow #1:










Think Different #2:







Some nice shots mate.
I can participate in the bud-show very soon. :3
Id say you cant wait dude. Thanks for stopping by.
Good trich production, nice and resinous. Leaves are a healthy colour that's even all over.

You, Sir, are a gardener!

Looking real good,


- - - Updated - - -

Good trich production, nice and resinous. Leaves are a healthy colour that's even all over.

You, Sir, are a gardener!

Looking real good,

Looking fantastic! :)

Cheers dude thanks for the comment.

Good trich production, nice and resinous. Leaves are a healthy colour that's even all over.

You, Sir, are a gardener!

Looking real good,


- - - Updated - - -

Good trich production, nice and resinous. Leaves are a healthy colour that's even all over.

You, Sir, are a gardener!

Looking real good,


Hey Steely thanks for kind words dude, much appreciated.
Pictures speak for themselves man, amazing stuff you got goin on!
