Indoor Dutch Passion's Auto White Widow & Think Different

Hi Briain, I believe these types of flushing chemicals, Drip Clean, Flora Clean, UC Roots, etc all use a type of propriety acid which does something, I'm not sure what, but guessing, breaks some ionic bond, or keeps the nutrient molecules chelates or stops them falling into suspension, so that you can easily wash them away with water and so that they are readily available to the plant and don't clump up into salty hardness.

I'm not 100% sure of its' effectiveness but I'm going to believe what it says on the bottle unless I hear otherwise. It says in soil / coco that every two weeks you can give it a water with Flora Kleen solution until there is run off (so like a normal feed) to avoid build ups and lockouts.

Yeah thats great man il be sorting some for my next grow. Appreciate the help dude.
Plants are looking great Briain! I agree with you on the purple stems, I have also noticed that and I'm always a bit late upping the bloom nutes/PK.

The same with me. Now I start to add a little bit bloom ferts to growing/preflowering ones and then slowly discontinue N rich ferts around day 35/40.

But this purple does not affect all plants the same, although fed with same water.

Anyway, I do not like it.
Day: 37 , Week: 6

Cal/Mg Has struck

I have been paying so much attention to Think Different#1 i feel like i have neglected the others a small bit. They all have small signs of a calcium diff except for Think Different#1 of course. I have upped the dosage of calcium and magnesium a little and il will be upping it again next week to full strength as they should be in full flower at that stage and they are going to need it.
So i have decided against feeding Think Different#1 every day as i would most likey get a salt build. Because she is taking loads of water, instead shes get 4-5 litres of feed and then for the next two days she just gets a top up of about 2-4 litres of ph'd plain bubbled water. And so the cycle repeats, this is crazy i have never had to water so much, this is what i get for the 50/50 mix of perlite and canna pro plus.
All is under control so not to worry i have dealt with cal/mg every grow and im prepared to over come it and hope fully have it right this time so i wont get signs again in future grows, hopefully so.
Any way just some pictures of the better two, you will see the cal diff on the Auto White Widow#2.

Feed Schedule

  • Sensi Bloom A+B - 1ml
  • Boost - 2.5ml
  • Silicon - 1ml
  • Rhizo - 1ml
  • Calcium - 1.5ml
  • Magnesium - 1.5ml
  • Bio Bizz Bloom - 2ml
  • Fish Mix - 1ml
  • Top Max - 2ml

Think Different #1:







Auto White Widow #2:




Those plants are BEASTS!

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Those plants are BEASTS!
They look absolutely amazing!! They have responded really well to the training. Was wondering when do you think it's a good time to take out the strings and let them grow up naturally.
Wow dude. Nice work brother man.

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Wow dude. Nice work brother man.

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Wow dude. Nice work brother man.

You have grown very nice and open to light plants.

I think I would have to start that too. I always push too many together and then I do not have space to open them. Many branches grow closely together upwards. But anyway, as buds start to swell, branches slowly get apart under weight pulling them down.

I guess what would bring me more, 8 plants more together and dense or 6, maybe four in the same space/light, but LSTed a little bit and more open?

Seems that choosing the right setup will be longer story as I once thought.

Good luck and keep posting!
They look absolutely amazing!! They have responded really well to the training. Was wondering when do you think it's a good time to take out the strings and let them grow up naturally.

Hey jman around week 6 is the time i like to take off the strings since she is done being trained to the pot. After another week il probably put more stings on the colas to pull them apart to let more light in and even out the canopy, thanks for the comment ma.

Wow dude. Nice work brother man.

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Wow dude. Nice work brother man.

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Wow dude. Nice work brother man.

Thanks man il be sure to have a look at yours soon.


You have grown very nice and open to light plants.

I think I would have to start that too. I always push too many together and then I do not have space to open them. Many branches grow closely together upwards. But anyway, as buds start to swell, branches slowly get apart under weight pulling them down.

I guess what would bring me more, 8 plants more together and dense or 6, maybe four in the same space/light, but LSTed a little bit and more open?

Seems that choosing the right setup will be longer story as I once thought.

Good luck and keep posting!

Thanks Gonzo really appreciate it. Yes in my opinion i know 4 plants can yield as much as your 8 plants did. With the right amount of space and good Lst with no stress you will get 4 monsters. Hope your doing good buddy.
Day 40

Time to get out the smaller girls, they have been really stunned but they are the fastest along now .
Just some pictures of the smaller ones

Auto White Widow #1:







Think Different #2:



