Indoor Dutch Passion's Auto White Widow & Think Different

I do indeed man, only on day 7 though. gonna upload more pics and questions so see u over there sometime

Il be right over to you man. Nice one.

Yea dude some people can rock big yields without hydro - fair play. I'm definitely along for the ride to learn what I can from you. Will be checking your grow every time there's an update :P laters

Cool nice one man i look forward to you stopping by more often.
Day 19


Sorry, not sure why i cant resize my pictures anymore, must be to do with the new update to the site.
Gave the girls a feed yesterday and they seem to be loving it.
Im fairly sure Think Different#2 hasnt taken to the Lst, So shes a bit stunned. I have been quite rough with them.
In future I am going to Lst when they are 1 Week old because its alot easier to do the first bend when they are that young.
Auto White Widow#1 is a little behind her sister but im sure she will catch up, i knocked off one of her side branches yesterday when training her, give her a day or two and she will be fine.

Think Different #1:

TD#1 (1).jpg
TD#1 (2).jpg
TD#1 (3).jpg

Think Different #2:

TD#2 (1).jpg
TD#2 (2).jpg

Auto White Widow #1:

Aww#1 (1).jpg
Aww#1 (2).jpg

Auto White Widow #2:

Aww#2 (1).jpg

Aww#2 (2).jpg
Aww#2 (3).jpg
Aww#2 (4).jpg
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Yip it would be kinda cool if the pictures could be sorted in a linear fashion with some padding in between them as well. I'm a web designer and I'd love to be given free reign on this website. Fix it all up, make it all better. Really glad someones working on upgrading it now though. I might post this in the vbulletin update thread now... yea that's what I'm going to do. Keep up the LST Briain man it's looking good.

EDIT : Briain man, I mentioned your issue in this thread, hopefully it gets resolved.

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Day 22 , Week 4


Found Some Water on the leaves of the girls today, im pretty sure its normal. I think the plant is transpiring due to the lights being on 24/7... check out the picture below.
Think Different #2 seems not to be growing much at all, She hasn't been fond of the Lst but shes getting it anyway.
Next grow il make a note to be a lot more careful when tying down the plants.
Besides that Auto White Widows #1 seems to be catching up with #2 and Think Different #1 is still ahead of the game.

Feed Schedule: ( All measurements are to 1 litre of water)

Sensi Grow A+B - 1ml
Fish Mix -2ml
Rhizo -2ml
Silicon -1ml
Calcium -1ml
Magnesium -1ml

Auto White Widow #1:

Aww#1 (1).jpgAww#1 (2).jpg

Auto White Widow #2:

Aww#2 (1).jpgAww#2 (2).jpg

Think Different #1:

TD#1 (1).jpgTD#1 (2).jpgTD#1 (3).jpg

Think Different #2:

TD#2 (1).jpgTD#2 (2).jpg

Transpiring Leaf:

transpire (1).jpgtranspire (2).jpg

Thanks Casper79, one or two will be smaller than the others but i cant complain.
Gorgeous Green Garden!

All loks spot-on for week two Bri. TD1 is keen!!

For people ahving picture problems i'm copying Tang.

Get an account from imgur dot com.

Then choose a size and use their forum-code link to paste into your post, nice and easy.

(I think you can use it from your phone, too, but i don't do that, just seems too dodgy.)

Nice growin Bri,

Cheers dude appreciate it, thanks il give that a go next update.
Nice plants.

I have three of them two days older (TD) than yours and they look pretty much the same, a little bigger, these are days when real growth starts.

Enjoy your grow! Will be a nice one.
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