Indoor Dutch Passion's Auto White Widow & Think Different

Day 12


Gave the girls another feed of Rhizo ph 6.5 today, next feeding I will add veg nutes.
Il also start training all the rest of the girls in the next coming days.

Think Different #1:

TD#1 (1).jpg
TD#1 (2).jpg

Think Different #2:

TD#2 (1).jpg
TD#2 (2).jpg

Auto White Widow #1:

AWW#1 (1).jpg
AWW#1 (2).jpg

Auto White Widow #2:

AWW#2 (1).jpg
AWW#2 (2).jpg
Day 14


So today marks the end of the second week, just a few quick pictures of Auto White Widow#2 as she looks strange, il do a full update tomorrow. She looks different to most i have grown, check out her leaf edges and especially the lif tips, they are not the normal edges/tips i usually see. She is more rigid looking nearly spike-y i would say, take a look.

Auto White Widow #2:

Day 15, Week 3


Just make a note that i calibrated my ph pen today and will do at the start of every week...
Its the beginging of a new week for the girls,All got their very first feed of veg nutrients this morning.
I also got my garden string out today and tied all the rest of them down, so now we have got full bondage on.

Feeding Schedule ( All measurements are to 1 litre)

Sensi Grow A+B - 1ml
Rhizotonic - 2ml
Calcium - 0.5ml
Magnesium - 0.5ml
Fish Mix - 1ml

Auto White Widow #1:

Aww#1 (1).jpg
Aww#1 (2).jpg

Auto White Widow #2:

Aww#2 (1).jpg
Aww#2 (2).jpg

Think Different #1:

TD#1 (1).jpg
TD#1 (2).jpg

Think Different #2:

TD#2 (1).jpg
TD#2 (2).jpg

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How old is your TD#1 ? She is looking really big for her age! Everything is looking good, really great job there. How are you planning to LST ? Going in a circle around the pot ?

What do you think of LSTing by pulling all the branches like an X shape or do you prefer doing it in a circle ? :Sharing One:
How old is your TD#1 ? She is looking really big for her age! Everything is looking good, really great job there. How are you planning to LST ? Going in a circle around the pot ?

What do you think of LSTing by pulling all the branches like an X shape or do you prefer doing it in a circle ? :Sharing One:

Cheers dude, Yeah my Td#1 is huge for her age and she is the same age as the others maybe a few hours older but not much. I find the circle around the pot doesnt work great because it gets very crowded in the middle of the pot. Im going to do Something like the x shape but rather just keep on training the plants in the same direction they are in now. Il have to use the Tent bars and maybe some extra garden string to make areas to tie down the plants for when they out reach the tie down distance of the pot but im sure il manage it.
Thanks for stopping by dude.
Yeah she is standing out so much from the rest, she looks like a few days older than the rest but amazingly the same age! I am planning on training my babies around week 2 so how do you recommend i do it ? By pulling all the branches out like x or + shape ? Or just by pulling the mainstem first ? Share your training method. My babies are just 1 week behind yours btw.

Cheers :coffee2:
No problem dude i prefer the x shape at the start so all the bud sites even out at the top of the canopy, if you do it the + way your going to get un-even stems and un-even canopy at the end.
Make sure to anchor your plant first before bending her as you might stunt the plants roots. I keep training the top of the plant on till i see growth slow down then i just leave the top grow up normally and it usually evens out with the rest of the stems.
Just make sure you keep the plants tied down as much as possible and make sure you even out the new growth. If new growth is higher than the older growth tie it down a bit or leave the older growth catch up to it.
Okay mate, so i will do the X method. You usually do it around week 2 /day 14 right ? The thing is how do you start with the X method ? I am familiar with doing the circle method around the pot but i'm not sure about the X method. After anchoring my plant, do i just pull the top down or pull every branches out downwards too ?
Yeah man day 14 is when i like to start just to make sure the plant is nicely rooted. Yes put your anchor string down first then tie the top of the plant down. After that you will notice the side branches and bud sites coming from the main stalk, you can tie these down when they get to tall to even out the canopy. Just try keep the side branches at the same height as the top of the plant, train them down as you need to. Hope that makes sense dude.