New Grower Dutch Passion Blueberry autopots - grow no 4

Hey Nuglet. The plants look like they are trying the fight off heat stress. I am having the same battle in my current grow, but my temps are even higher than yours, and I have no ac option. I have a humidifier going at full blast, and that has helped, but it's a daily battle. Trying my best to get close to the right range according to my VPD chart. It's very hard for me, since I don't have an ac, and can only bring temps down by adding more dark hours, and scheduling my dark periods to coincide with the hottest parts of the day.

I am thinking you can dial it in better than I can, since you can also bring temps down with the ac, however, I totally understand the cost factor. Take away my chiller or my humidifier, and my plants will surely die. Anyway, I found this chart to be helpful.
What's do you have the chiller set at? Mine is always at 66 degrees, and I am sure that has helped to keep the root zone at a workable temp, helping to offset the heat above in the canopy.
What's do you have the chiller set at? Mine is always at 66 degrees, and I am sure that has helped to keep the root zone at a workable temp, helping to offset the heat above in the canopy.

Hi Pigskin yep my chillers set the same. ac is keeping it constant outside the tent about 74. Inside peaking at 82. And I’m venting directly in from ac unit as well. I had taco last grow - think intensified light from the 2 x 350 watt CDMs contributes and weird it’s only affecting one plant. (About a week behind the other 2)

Great yield on last grow so not going to get too worried about it.

For me chiller is just keeping res healthy as when it’s in autopot trays it’s going to warm up pretty quick and sit there till the girls have had their fill.

Thanks for the vpd chart that’s really helpful, hoping flower won’t be too long then I can switch humidifier off.
Here we go week 4 already, the girls are doing alright!

Nutes as is from last week still on the same reservoir fill running at half strength. I filled right up and they've drunk a 1/3 in a week - seems to be gathering pace in last few days.

Lights 20 on 4 off

Ones got a bit of taco, the slowest one to develop - trying to keep heat down and balance AC bills.

Leaf temp is 25 at the mo which as as good as i can get it. CDMs are as high as I can fix them as well.

Just did a minor bit of LST.

Still chasing the RH - when do you guys think it'll be ok to switch the humidifier off? Reckon I'll sit at 45% without the 24 hr vapour machine - must have got thru at leat 100 litres last week.

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Looking good Nug! In the southern U.S, you have to keep the "chiiler" cranked all the time. No way u could grow indoors without. This time of year humidity runs 60-90% daily. I have several big fans running in the tent. Occasionally temp will get up to 86-88 but generally stays btw 77-82. RH 48-60%.

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Hi all so week 5 is upon me

Had a cola break after some lst but good ol duck tape came to the rescue and it seems to be holding in there

Due a res change next 24hrs they’ve started to get more of a thirst on will keep it at half strength nutes for now

PH 5.8 - 6.0

600 ppm 0.9 EC

RH 65%

Air temp average 80

Hi all so week 5 is upon me

Had a cola break after some lst but good ol duck tape came to the rescue and it seems to be holding in there

Due a res change next 24hrs they’ve started to get more of a thirst on will keep it at half strength nutes for now

PH 5.8 - 6.0

600 ppm 0.9 EC

RH 65%

Air temp average 80

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Plants are looking very happy, Nuglet! Nice work, man! Keep it going!