Dutch Passion Dutch Passion Auto Glueberry OG, Coco and Canna Nutes

Day 24

Temps are a lot more settled judging by my max/min thermometers, but still a bit on the high side so have tweaked the settings of the controller a touch to bring them down a few degrees. So far so good with the digital Temperature controller. Hoping this is the way I get a better control of my temps from now on.

Plants didn’t need a watering today so just a quick check on the temps, humidity and to take a couple of pictures. I have always used Coco as my preferred growing medium over the years and the 1 thing I have noticed that makes a good difference in the growth and development of the plant is those wet and dry (ish) cycles.

Generally when growing Photos, I often Top, FIM and do a bit of training, it seems though the general consensus with Autos is to leave them au Natural! Tried a little leaf tucking today though, just to let a little light to those bud spots. Does everyone agree or is everyone different?

Please if anyone has any observations, criticism or pointers I’d love to hear them. Striving to grow like you lot!!

Thanks for looking in

Girls are looking great man!
When it comes to top, fim, training or supercrop its up to each grower whats works for them. If growing a single plant, or multiple plants with light reaching every side of the girl/girls and if headroom alows it, natural growth will give you the best yield or else you just mess with the plants growth-potential, you slow them down and loose a couple of days of precious growth as they are autoflowers with a clock thats ticking. The plants are genetic designed to receive maximum light and know exactly how they should grow.
Indoor however its other rules, as in the basic growroom we cant give them the same coverage as the sun would offer outside in their natural inviroment.

Autoglueberry for exampel has an enourmos growth-potential and growing with Hps-lights will minimise how big she actually could be as the normal homegrower has a maximum of 2 meter in height. And the width is normally not wider then 120cm wich will make it impossible to get that very important side-lighting down there for her to grow to her fullest potential.

This is why lst or supercropping can be good when growing indoors if your grow-area is restricted and dont have enough light to cover the whole plant, so all branches will recieve maximum light. A branch without light during veg will end up as a stick without buds at harvest-time.

Always go for what will give your girls the most light, always.
Maximum coverage = maximum yield
Thanks for the reply Rambo. Some great information there.
I will leave the training for the photoperids
I’ll probably continue with a little leaf tucking now and then and possible a little lollipopping near the end of the stretch. Thanks again mate!
Okay first i want say hi bro and keep them growing. I ve read all post in your topic here and defo i can tell you if your plants are colour light green as i saw on first page they needed more nuts so good job you ve done as someone guided you. I can tell you now you will be happy with your auto glueberry- mine is on day 52 and just within a week she exploded and now she looks lovely and if you dont mind i can put pic of my lady just to show you what you can expect at day 52. Mine is in 11l pot but i think next time i will use 15l pot( 3gal) as i can see she likes to drink about 1.8l nuts per day. I switched from soil to coco after just 2 grows and plants love it. From my point of view in soil it takes too long for plants to take nuts and then it takes longer to repair is something goes wrong but im talking only relying on my experience from last 2 years. I have 2 methods to check if plant needs watering and im always using one after another to make sure im making proper judgement( i m watering by hand) - one method- put finger into pot on about 2 inch deep and if it is wet then skip day. If its dry then water. Then i m checking weight of pot lifting up by hands and then you def. Know plant needs watering. I know thats basics and simple stuff but the more we share the more we know. I ve read some time ago that hps are better than mh for veg and to be fair i stopped using mh laat year- i could not see negative side of growing on veg on hps- if you didint try yet - give it a go maybe mate. Autos i m always leaving as nature wants them to grow and when i have photos i always top them at least once and then my favourite training is supercropping! Always better yields with it. Hum i keep about 55-60% and plants are happy during all grow. If your temps are going up you can put extract fan on higher speed, then temp will go down a bit. At day about 30 im cutting all leafs below 4th level of branches from top and thats making more space for light to go through and reach as many buds as possible. Then again haircut when i can see that big leafs are disturbing lowel buds to reach light. Happy growing. I m not master but im learning everyday and im willing to help if i can help.
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Hi Wingsuit, thanks for tagging along and also for the information
Your for sure welcome to post a pic of your lady. I’d love to see her .
I am now on......

Day 29 so here’s a little update........

Some unseasonably hot weather here has turned my low temp problems (which I had managed to control) into hot temp problems. Temps were soaring into the 90’s so I ended up buying a small air con unit which did an excellent job in bringing them down. The problem I had with it though, was when my temp controller turned it on through the contractor relay it only powers up the unit. It does not switch it on . Not sure where to go with that problem? Currently just turning it on and off manually.

Here’s a little update on one of my girls which I have brought downstairs out of the HPS light to take a couple of pics. Please let me know your thoughts and anything you would advise I do?


This is the same plant just taken at different positions.
I am finding the node spacing to be very compact compared to when I have grown photoperiods in the past. I have been doing the odd little bit of leaf tucking to let a bit light through to the bud sites underneath the canopy. When would I expect to see the girls stretch? I am under the impression that the Auto Glueberrys grow pretty big? Maybe it’s something I’m doing wrong?
Hi Wingsuit, thanks for tagging along and also for the information
Your for sure welcome to post a pic of your lady. I’d love to see her .
I am now on......

Day 29 so here’s a little update........

Some unseasonably hot weather here has turned my low temp problems (which I had managed to control) into hot temp problems. Temps were soaring into the 90’s so I ended up buying a small air con unit which did an excellent job in bringing them down. The problem I had with it though, was when my temp controller turned it on through the contractor relay it only powers up the unit. It does not switch it on . Not sure where to go with that problem? Currently just turning it on and off manually.

Here’s a little update on one of my girls which I have brought downstairs out of the HPS light to take a couple of pics. Please let me know your thoughts and anything you would advise I do?
View attachment 896401

View attachment 896402
This is the same plant just taken at different positions.
I am finding the node spacing to be very compact compared to when I have grown photoperiods in the past. I have been doing the odd little bit of leaf tucking to let a bit light through to the bud sites underneath the canopy. When would I expect to see the girls stretch? I am under the impression that the Auto Glueberrys grow pretty big? Maybe it’s something I’m doing wrong?
For your air con try a plug in thermostat (see pic) and as for your plants most autos I've grown don't start there stretch till there in bloom but your gals look healthy to me dude

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Hey Wile thanks for your input man. Really appreciate it. Now the temp controller/contractor relay device seems to be doing the thermostat bit it’s supposed to be doing ie. switching the power to the aircon unit on, when the temperature gets too high, but it does not actually start the unit up. If you were to switch it on by hand you would switch the on/off button on, then you would have to select the fan setting to start the unit up, so like a 2 step start up if you know what I mean? The thermostat device is just doing the one step (turning the power on) but not selecting the fan setting. Hope that makes sense?
Could I also ask what people think of the leaves drooping down. I was expecting them to be praying more?

Feeding them 1ml per litre Liquid Silicon (cheers Wile), 2 ml per litre Rhizotonic, 1.5 ml per litre of Canna Coco A and B at a Ph of around 5.8. Should i be giving them anything else?

Thanks for the input guys.