New Grower Dutch passion auto blackberry

Well your plants look real healthy, and they just insist they want more feed. I think it was me next rest change I'd shoot for about a thousand PPM. See if that doesn't set them straight.

Otherwise, they are really healthy. You could probably finish them with the wicked changes up and down in your pH.
Well your plants look real healthy, and they just insist they want more feed. I think it was me next rest change I'd shoot for about a thousand PPM. See if that doesn't set them straight.

Otherwise, they are really healthy. You could probably finish them with the wicked changes up and down in your pH.

Thanks @jingo raised nutes up to 1k yesterday kept the mix on the flower ratio - ph was 6.05

Spoke to my wife as I'm back on the road till tommoro and it went down to 5.4 in 8 hrs, she ph'up to 5.9 - now at 5.1 so she's upped again.

Think these girls just want 24hrs attention!! So much for this grow seeming easier than the first!. Wonder if it's something genetic as remember the leaf damage really early on in their grow that we thought might be ph related. Literally a week into the grow after germ it was showing quite large leaves and all that calmag looking damage.
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Looking real nice!:drool: is the strain auto blackberry kush or just auto blackberry? I grew once an auto blackberry kush named strain by DP.

Yeah they're the DP kush variety, 3 of them in there quite amazed at how much they've filled out
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I'm getting a refresher course in why I switched to Coco from Hydro. So much easier and once I set up my auto water system I'll have everything easy as pie. My yields are bigger in Coco than they were in Hydro too.
I'm getting a refresher course in why I switched to Coco from Hydro. So much easier and once I set up my auto water system I'll have everything easy as pie. My yields are bigger in Coco than they were in Hydro too.
You know what @jingo I was thinking that today - well though that about soil maybe I should look at coco for next grow. Better start reading up, is it still doable in my cupboard?
You know what @jingo I was thinking that today - well though that about soil maybe I should look at coco for next grow. Better start reading up, is it still doable in my cupboard?
It does work in a Cupboard, you would just want something to catch the liquid and Hoover it up. If you wanted to do auto water you would of course need some kind of Auto drain system.

I've never used an auto pot system, but you can load Coco in the top of them and then they have a reservoir underneath that somehow feeds it once you get going. It would probably be the ticket if you could figure out exactly how to get it dialed in.

@jingo like the look of those auto pots - sounds like it might be the answer. Although believe it or nor we are finally, finally (I think dialled in!) been solid 5.87 for 24 hrs, EC going down, water going down. Finally!

Although due a res change on Friday so will see what that brings. lPant 3 still lagging but getting a bit more hairy. Going to push on with schedule and boosters based on the other 2 as they're doing so well - seems a shame to not give them the goodies because one of the girls in the class is being stubborn

Thanks for all your support jingo. Really appreciate it
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@jingo like the look of those auto pots - sounds like it might be the answer. Although believe it or nor we are finally, finally (I think dialled in!) been solid 5.87 for 24 hrs, EC going down, water going down. Finally!

Although due a res change on Friday so will see what that brings. lPant 3 still lagging but getting a bit more hairy. Going to push on with schedule and boosters based on the other 2 as they're doing so well - seems a shame to not give them the goodies because one of the girls in the class is being stubborn

Thanks for all your support jingo. Really appreciate it
Finally! That's great

:pass: :bong:

Quick update still ticking along nicely, half way thru week 8.

Plant 3 started to make a move so my thinking of about 2 weeks behind 1&2 is about right.

Last of pics below is plant 3.

Any thoughts on what this means for final nute schedule I've still got overdrive to go into the mix due on paper next week but presume that's not a good idea with no 3 being behind.

@jingo ph is being a consistent beast - reload DWC with fresh nutes and RO then 3 days to settle down then holds

Auto pots have been ordered!