New Grower Dutch passion auto blackberry

Northern lights can get beastly bro. Your grow looks good. I'm sticking around to see this, I was just looking at these beans.
NL was one of my favourites during my tours of duty in Amsterdam back in the day so yeah I'm pretty stoked on that too!

All I've read about the blackberry sounds good so hopefully I can do it some sort of justice.

So approaching week 6 and we've got plenty of flower sites starting.

Plant no 3 which was back right is a little behind but that had the worst original leaf damage way back when - so presume that's why.

EC has been dropping a lot quicker like a point a day so have been keeping it at 1.2 by adding a small feed here and there as ph was starting to plummet as well.

Due a water change on Tues - they are growing about an inch a day at the moment so will hold off adding the bloom ratio until I see slow down - @jingo is this a good time to do the transition tho?


We've dropped to 1080 EC, PPM 555 since yesterdays top up - which was EC 1230, PPM 644

PH dropped down to 5.7 - upped to 5.86 and dropping off again thru the day as expected.

I've got to go away for 3 days from Wednesday - so have time to switch into a transitional blend beforehand if you think thats good idea? I was following Muddys guide and waiting till i see some slow down.

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So bit the bullet, switched to the transition ratio. Think I was under on my EC which was making the res acidic & PH/EC comparable drop.

Pretty much 50/50 Floragrow A&B. Calmag, Rhizo.

Got some Rhino Skin coming end of the week - anyone used this?

Think I need to add to water first, mix it and let it sit a bit before adding nutes.

2ml per litre is whats advised on the site - so was thinking of halving this.

PPMs now 722, EC 1440 & a PH of 5.7 - which I'm hoping will drift up only a bit over the next 3 days I'm away now i've raised the EC - I'm hoping!

Earning the dollar gets in the way of important stuff!
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So bit the bullet, switched to the transition ratio. Think I was under on my EC which was making the res acidic & PH/EC comparable drop.

Pretty much 50/50 Floragrow A&B. Calmag, Rhizo.

Got some Rhino Skin coming end of the week - anyone used this?

Think I need to add to water first, mix it and let it sit a bit before adding nutes.

2ml per litre is whats advised on the site - so was thinking of halving this.

PPMs now 722, EC 1440 & a PH of 5.7 - which I'm hoping will drift up only a bit over the next 3 days I'm away now i've raised the EC - I'm hoping!

Earning the dollar gets in the way of important stuff!
I use silica blast, but it is still a silica product like rhino skin. Essential for me. Does add a bit of potassium as well.
The canopy is rockin in there.
I use silica blast, but it is still a silica product like rhino skin. Essential for me. Does add a bit of potassium as well.
The canopy is rockin in there.

Thanks Micron, I'm doing my best to try and make this one sail smooth. Do you follow the supplier guidelines with your silica or go half strength or something? Also is it right you need to mix it in the RO first and let it stand for a bit before adding the rest of the soup?

Don't know how I missed that tag, but yeah I would definitely start the transition schedule. I think you're right raising your EC a little bit will probably keep your pH from dropping off while you're gone.
Thanks @jingo knew you'd come back - made the call as I'm facing a 6 hr drive and wanted to get my garden sorted in good time - will report back in 3 days
Thanks Micron, I'm doing my best to try and make this one sail smooth. Do you follow the supplier guidelines with your silica or go half strength or something? Also is it right you need to mix it in the RO first and let it stand for a bit before adding the rest of the soup?

Full strength. I add my ingredients into my water one at a time. This allows everything to mix just fine. Silica Blast is the last one I add, I let that settle for a bit after a good stir so ph stabilizes then usually add ph up to the mix to get it to 6.7 or 6.8.