New Grower Dutch passion auto blackberry

Full strength. I add my ingredients into my water one at a time. This allows everything to mix just fine. Silica Blast is the last one I add, I let that settle for a bit after a good stir so ph stabilizes then usually add ph up to the mix to get it to 6.7 or 6.8.

Thanks I'l be half way thru a res when it arrives so will get it on with first week of proper flower nutes
@jingo hi - I've had my wife check the girls apparently ph has dropped to 5.1. She's added some ph up for now. I'm going back real late tonight so can check EC then but presuming it's same issue of PH and EC dropping do you think I should up nutes a bit more?
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@jingo hi - I've had my wife check the girls apparently ph has dropped to 5.1. She's added some ph up for now. I'm going back real late tonight so can check EC then but presuming it's same issue of PH and EC dropping do you think I should up nutes a bit more?
Assuming your water level is dropping along with the fall in pH and TDS, then increasing nute strength is correct. Only thing that could change things it's of you have high background TDS/buffers in tap water.
@jingo yep water is dropping as well. I use RO less than 15 ppm

So add to current res rather than full swap? Il check EC later do you think 1.5 might be a good place to aim for?

Got another couple of days away next week so if I can try and slow things down then I'll be on time for a res change next Wednesday full flower nutes and silica can go in then
Full strength. I add my ingredients into my water one at a time. This allows everything to mix just fine. Silica Blast is the last one I add, I let that settle for a bit after a good stir so ph stabilizes then usually add ph up to the mix to get it to 6.7 or 6.8.
I'm sorry dude, I just happened to read this last statement. When mixing up your nutrients you always have to put your most alkaline substances in first that means you start with your silica go next with your cal-mag work your way through your minerals and then finally your nitrogen goes in last.

So when I was concerned about buffers in your water your background water and you answered back with you using reverse osmosis, that should have been a real simple everything's okay just raise your nutrient level up. But now that I've gone back and read that you're putting in your Silicone last, that changes things.

Next time your home when you mix up a res the way you think it ought to be done, I'd go ahead and mix up some extra nutrients and keep them on the side. This may seem a little strange but if you have a weaker mix of nutrients and a stronger mix of nutrients and you're away in your wife checks things, and the pH of dropped again you can always add some of your stronger nutrients in mid-week. You don't have to wait for a full res change. Or if you need to use a week or mix you can do the same actually yes you can use water for a week or mix.
I'm sorry dude, I just happened to read this last statement. When mixing up your nutrients you always have to put your most alkaline substances in first that means you start with your silica go next with your cal-mag work your way through your minerals and then finally your nitrogen goes in last.

So when I was concerned about buffers in your water your background water and you answered back with you using reverse osmosis, that should have been a real simple everything's okay just raise your nutrient level up. But now that I've gone back and read that you're putting in your Silicone last, that changes things.

Next time your home when you mix up a res the way you think it ought to be done, I'd go ahead and mix up some extra nutrients and keep them on the side. This may seem a little strange but if you have a weaker mix of nutrients and a stronger mix of nutrients and you're away in your wife checks things, and the pH of dropped again you can always add some of your stronger nutrients in mid-week. You don't have to wait for a full res change. Or if you need to use a week or mix you can do the same actually yes you can use water for a week or mix.

@jingo thanks as always, I haven't added the silica yet it's been delivered whilst I'm away so was planning to get that on in the next res change due Wed.

So will follow your advise on that, so Silica, calmag, rhizo, bud candy then floragrow A&B at 50% strength flower ratio.

So sounds like they are greedy girls - looking fwd to seeing the change when I get back.
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So managed to sneak off early and just got back girls looking ok

no 3 plant on right still not throwing flower sites

couple of small white hairs on a few might make them out in the picture

Added a 1/3 transition mix feed and a bit of up as it had dropped back to PH 5.15.

This morning wife corrected it to 5.7

Current readings

Ppm 706

EC 1410

Ph 5.8

Might do an early res change on Sunday and move onto flower week 1 dose and get the rhino skin in there

What dya think @jingo


Did your wife have to correct up or down? If she went up the strength maybe about right. When I was doing deep water culture I rarely had to go above 800 part per million.

I shoot for 5.8 when setting my pH, but I'm happiest if I'm above 5.8. in other words, I never go below 5.8 and if I get 5 9 or 6 or 6.1 or even 6.2 I will usually stay with that if I've got a pretty stable res going on.

Mainly it's because calcium is so much more available just changing one tenth of a point. It's a logarithmic scale kind of like earthquakes. Every tenth you go down but below 5.8 it gets 10 times harder for the plant to get the calcium.

In fact if I'm having some calcium deficiencies I will often just raise my pH of touch. I think the main reason you haven't seen any real calcium deficiencies as your pH is moving up and down frequently enough to where you're getting a reasonable amount of nutrients.
Good call @jingo & thanks for that calmag explanation yeah she went up not down - She used 5ml of up took it up from 5.4 to 5.8 then by the time I got back n it it was 5.1 - around 8 hrs to drop

So still no major bud sites on right hand side plant 3 still looking good tho - about 2 weeks behind the other 2 now at a guess which gives me a few concerns on nute schedule/flushing.

Some budding are stating to show a bit of purple as in pic - interestingly they are the ones in the centre of the cab so getting 3 lots of even LED light

And PH is being tricky. I did a complete res change Friday night added the Rhino, bud candy & moved onto the bloom nutes schedule, raised the PPM/EC up higher than before. More like 3/4 strength - well just under.

EC was 1640 PPM 822 PH was 6.03

Within hrs it was down to 5.6, raised it up again next morning 5.6 & EC had gone up to 1720, PPM 877.

Removed a bit of liquid as I thought EC/PPM running too high & overall level was an inch above bottom of net pots - roots have filled out so much more now its not taking the original 15 litres probably more like 13

Topped up with plain RO - EC then 1330

1st read today was PH 5.4. Added a bit of UP & B nutrient so brings it to 6.

EC 1480 /PPM 738

@jingo any thoughts my friend?


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