Hey homie, if you have the room for two party cups left In your case, get ur two photos started in those. While those are sprouting and vegging out, you can finish ur autos. That way you have no wasted electricity or lost time. Just my opinion. Get some square Tupperware containers from ur local grocery. Make sure u get four. This is important. You should get containers a size that you can only fit two in your case with little to no room left for any other container. Flip two containers over and spray paint them flat black. This may require a couple of coats. With your other two containers, simply poke some drainage holes in the bottom and leave em clear. This container will go inside the flat black container. This allows you to monitor root progress throughout your grow. Be ready to do some intense Lst and training/topping work. So read up, and get your supplies. This will be the easiest way to Max out your case.