New Grower My first grow, an autoflower story - Presenting Pakistan Ryder.

Hey again everyone!

There's not much to update on regarding my maturing lady, she's still looking fantastic and pumping a lot of energy into those lovely flowers!
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I'm going away for about a week and a half in October, and I'm not sure if she's going to be done and harvested by then, I know that it's going to be close at least. As I'm sure a lot of you will understand, I don't want to ask anyone to check on her while I'm gone so I've looked into a number of automatic watering systems, and I've started trialling one today.

I bought some ceramic plugs that have been soaked overnight to ensure they're saturated, and after a full feed of nutes today, I've set 2 plugs up either side of the stem and will be monitoring it over the next few days to see how this goes.
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The 5 litre bottle only has plain water in for now, as soon as I notice any water being drained I intend to switch to a bottle of feed, I just want to make sure it works first before mixing up another batch of nutrients and potentially wasting some. I also have another 6 still packed up, so if I notice it draining, but not wetting the soil as much as I want I can add a few more :D

Fingers crossed I won't need them while I'm away, I'd much prefer a harvest curing to come back to, but just in case I might be able to leave them in for the flush period and then harvest when I return!
All the best guys! :pass:
Just a flying update to use up my 100th post on my own journal, cos why not treat myself ;)

Even my girl's giving herself a High Five! :smokeit:

The watering experiment appears to be a huge success so far at least, she's supping slowly through the automatic feeding plugs, I was a bit worried at first when she drank about 2 litres in a day, but that looks like they were just moistening the entire pot, as it slowed down massively, and is on approximately 250ml a day now if I had to guess, so if I do need to leave her for a while, 2 plugs in 2 seperate 5 litre jugs will make sure she doesn't die xD

I'm going to leave her to finish the current bottle so I can get a better idea how it does over a number of days, and then remove them and let her dry out again, but it's very nice to know these can look after her :D

Pic updates, all the growth is in the flowers now, and I'm loving seeing them swell!
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Take care out there, and be excellent to each other!

What a great read and very inspiring,the girl looks luscious,no wonder you ate her ;)
my first ever plant looks good,not using a tent but just natural light and seems ok,going to get somw flowering nutes to help her along.
I am def going to do a journal with my next grow and hope its as interesting as yours!
Bet you cant wait to harvest and sample,looking forward to the next installment.
I'm so happy you enjoyed the read @Otter!

I am starting to get a little impatient now yes, but that's all part of the experience too I suppose, and I can't say I'm too bothered by it... We're dealing with nature at it's finest here, and I'm just awed at how amazing each cycle of the plant is! I did so much research on techniques and terminology, equipment and all the rest before starting out, but wasn't really clued into how the plant was going to respond to my actions which was very exciting to experience :D

How is your window sill grow doing? I'm imagining she's doubled in size maybe? That's another thing that has amazed me looking back through mine, is that checking on her day to day and you don't really notice the growth, but seeing weekly snapshots is mind blowing at just how much they can grow in just a short period of time!
Looking superb man!! I had a feeling from the very beginning you were going to grow out some dandies! Well done!
Good one Mal 3 years in the making, you've done your research and got your shit together ! Following TaNG's methods.. your laughing. After 3 years I'm sure you can muster a bit more patience. Bring her home brother :pass:
I know that I won't be the only one that's always on the lookout for new gear, and during my supermarket shop today I may have found a new supplementary flowing light xD
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I have no idea if it's any good or anything, but was €15, and the numbers on the box are alright at least! One problem though, is that it's too long, as you may remember my tent is only 40x40 so it's going to take some creative adjustment to get it in there! I'm tempted to maybe get more though, as even if it won't go in the tent, lights are always useful either for growing (perhaps as a micro pc grow maybe?) or as workshop lights. There are 2 versions though, this one and a 4000k one, however 4000k would be useless to grow with right? As flowering lights though, they may not be terrible, and can be daisy chained so I'll be having a think :D
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Quick update on the lady, she's doing really well still... She's slowed down on the drinking, I might pull the auto feed system out for a bit tonight, and due to some heavy rain recently it looks like the humidity may be getting a bit high, 70% outside the tent, and 65% inside. Still looking really happy though, as you can see ;)