New Grower My first grow, an autoflower story - Presenting Pakistan Ryder.

Hey there bud fans!

We're on about day 35 now (which if you'll remember is counted from when I transplanted her into the tent, so maybe day 40/42ish from seed, have to admit I wasn't paying too much attention to the time back then, I was more shocked that I actually had something living from a seed!).

She's looking absolutely amazing if I do say so myself! Still an absolute monster inside that canopy, but so many flower sites. I of course don't know what's a good number, but I've counted 10 just around the top, and there are at least 5 more inside that I've tried to give light to by tucking the larger top leaves inside the plant as I described in an earlier post.
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I gave her what I think will be her last Veg feed today, with 1ml Calmag, and then watered to run off to ensure the pot was fully saturated. I'm not sure if it's the ideal time, but she's filled out as wide as I can really let her, so kicking her onto Bloom nutes should slow growth apparently (if there is any left), and let her put more energy into those nice looking buds she's making for me :D

I can't really do a full flush, as the pot she's in is inconveniently exactly the right size for the tent, meaning it doesn't actually come out without taking the tent apart and I don't trust myself to do that without destroying the light/fan setup I have! Due to this, and taking into consideration how much soil is in the pot, coupled with the fact that she's really not had all that much feed up to now (perhaps 10 litres total, with varying levels of feed from 0.5ml Grow A+B up to currently 2ml, my plan is to switch straight to Bloom nutes on the next feed, or would I be taking too much of a chance doing this, and still try and leach the soil a little first?

Much love guys!
Hey again! Just a quick update to say that I picked up a few additional Bloom nutes today :D
If I can give a recommendation to any new growers out there, it's to chat with your local growshopman if you get a chance as they no doubt have some great advice for you, and even better than that, is apparently that Bud Factor X normally sells for around €100, but that was an old bottle he had around, and let me have it for €5!.. He's not sure if it'll still be effective, but I have faith!

I just made up a feed for the week, she didn't need anything today after the soaking I gave her yesterday, but I've made up 5 litres of feed, with approx 9ml both Bloom A+B, 5ml Calmag and 5ml of Big Bud, based on Tangs schedule. I'll be adding Molasses on feeding day, and I think we'll be all good...

I mentioned the bud sites in my last post, and just wanted to reiterate just how many there are inside! Check this out:
She's crazy!

I'd say we're locked in for flowing now, come on baby, give it all you've got!
Yo guys!

Right, so she's still pumping out flowers like crazy, the ones she had before are doing their thing nicely, and I'm finding more every day inside the canopy, and it's a daily job training the large top fan leaves inside again so the smaller buds continue to get light!
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As you can see, she's really reaching for the edges of the pot there, and unfortunately those outer leaves are taking a beating every time I turn her... Next grow will definitely have to be in a smaller container, and LST will be an absolute must! As I say, the outer leaves are getting really banged up, and the tip of a fan broke off tonight as I was feeding her, so out of curiosity I ate it xD I was watching a video on youtube yesterday about cannabis being a supreme super food, and I can see why! She tasted really good, almost nutty, and I could definitely imagine using fresh leaves in a salad... Perhaps I'll trim a few before they start dying before harvest and make use of some of those anti-oxidants she's full of! ;)

I fed her the bloom schedule I mentioned making up in my last post, so both Bloom A+B, Calmag and Big Bud, and this feed got a touch of Molasses as well.

I'm really happy with how she's doing... As you can see, she's a little monster, and I'm even considering making a space for a sister in amongst a veg patch outdoors next year :D
I actually thought that the 1l carboload was a reasonable cost($26) as was the 1l bud candy($32). The ones that hurt is Bud factor X and Voodoo juice.($70+)
Ouch that would put me outta bizness wouldn't make the water bill man I'm poor
Voodoo juice is crazy expensive but it works very well. I've used bud factor x for many grows I can't rember what a plant looks like without it. IMO overdrive would be better if I had to pick either bfx or overdrive. Big bud is the the best bloom booster IMO.. I wont bloom without it.. Nice score for the BFX that cheap. Just shake it up its fine.. Voodoo juice I'll pay the cash! Worth every cent!