New Grower My first grow, an autoflower story - Presenting Pakistan Ryder.

Sorry I've been slow on the updates recently, but there's really not much to say I'm afraid, which I will take as a really good sign!
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Everything still looks amazing, and those gorgeous flowers look to be fattening up nicely, and already really sticky with some great looking sugar leaf developing :D

I have found some dead leaves under the canopy, all completely yellowed and dried up, so I figure she's starting to wind herself down... The top still looks incredible, so she's still on regular feed schedule, but that's being monitored now and looking to swap to the flush in a few weeks maybe ;)
I don't know if I'm being optimistic, but I think the finish line is over there on the horizon and she's just got to finish out now!
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Much love everyone!
Good evening guys!

Alright, still pretty updateless, she's doing her thing, the buds are getting bigger and I'm still here waiting... and waiting... and waiting! I might be crazy, but I keep smelling so many different nuances, sometimes kind of meaty, sometimes coffee, and always very earthy and woody... So good! I'm starting to see brown dry patches on the edges of the leaves so figure this is it, I'll probably start the flush around midweek and then see how she is 2 weeks after that :D

I found that a squatter has moved in to the tent with her, I know spider mites are a problem, but does anyone know if there's any problem with just spiders share her space? (Sorry if anyone's squeamish)...
I had a suspicion she wasn't alone, as I thought I'd seen web strands between a few of the leaves earlier but she looks absolutely fine and the way I figured it, if he's not doing her any harm, and is living in there there's a chance he's catching things I don't want in there so he's welcome to stay for a bit and if he wants to LST her for me, he can work away xD

Now to bud pictures, just some LED snaps, not really much to say other than she smells as good as she looks!
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Best wishes one and all! Take care out there!
So I'm not sure if I have a problem... Like I already said, it looks like she's on the last leg and some of the leaves are starting to brown:
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Which I'm not too concerned about, she has to die right, and when she does that means she's done her job and I get to reap the reward, but I think there may be a calcium issue too:
As you can see, a few leaves there are showing what looks to be a calc deficiency, is this a problem or can I just leave it and let her finish, I mean technically I should be flushing with plain water now anyway? It seems to be a very local issue on the leaves there and those are the ones that were under the fan. It's a static clip on fan which doesn't oscillate so was just blowing down across the top of the canopy, so I've turned the pot again and am tempted to just leave her.

Still looking fantastic apart from these though:
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And my lodger update, he's still hanging about:

Peace out guys!
Hey again all, I'm back!

I know I kind of vanished on you, and I'm sorry, I went on that holiday I mentioned a while back, and what with all the preparation and packing I didn't get a chance to say bye... :(

I had a fantastic time, but if you'll remember, I was concerned about leaving the girl for so long so was a little anxious that I'd come home to a dead heap and find I'd wasted a lot of time and effort. Thankfully this isn't the case, and she looks to have survived pretty damn well without me looking in on her daily! :D

She doesn't look too great, what with so many yellowing/brittle leaves but Muddys life cycle guide I know that this isn't anything to be worried about, so after getting home today, and making my first real cuppa in a while, I gave her a little tidy up and she's still doing her thing!

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So yeah, not a problem at all I think, the wick feeders I bought have worked perfectly I'd say and could have easily kept her drinking for a good few days longer. I had her set up with 2 x 5 litre jugs with a tube in each and at a rough estimate I'd say she probably drank 5 litres in total, and she's still doing me proud!

I topped up both bottles with plain water again, and we'll see how she does over the near future. I was hoping she'd be nearer to harvest to be honest, I'm not the most patient of people at the best of times, and I'm itching to see what I've got!

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Oh mamma...
Looking good bro!!! Almost there!!!! Come take a peak at my thread when you have a second.... Eye candy galore!!!! Nice to see you back!!:pass:
Very nice grow! I got ne of these as a free seed, if it's always so bushy like that i may wait and run mine later. Very nice, though, looks like it'll be primo!
I did heavy LST on them to get them that bushy and the only other example on this site I've seen used a scrog net, so can't quite say how they grow naturally..... Very vigorous strain though. Took my first time grow mistakes like a champion.... Can't wait to get up my end results..... Haven't started flushing yet even..... Thanks for the compliments bro!!! Much appreciated man!!
Very nice grow! I got ne of these as a free seed, if it's always so bushy like that i may wait and run mine later. Very nice, though, looks like it'll be primo!

I did heavy LST on them to get them that bushy and the only other example on this site I've seen used a scrog net, so can't quite say how they grow naturally..... Very vigorous strain though. Took my first time grow mistakes like a champion.... Can't wait to get up my end results..... Haven't started flushing yet even..... Thanks for the compliments bro!!! Much appreciated man!!

So high didn't even know which thread I was on sorry folks. Lol :crying::smoking: