New Grower My first grow, an autoflower story - Presenting Pakistan Ryder.

Looking good mate. Couple things. Calmag- I add it to every feed, then do molasses water (1 Tbsp per gallon)o n alternate days. So it's feeding nutes with calmag added, then molasses water, then notes alternating. had good results with my girls. i did not start calmat until later in the grow but knowing what i know now i would have started it even before nutes.
Looking good mate. Couple things. Calmag- I add it to every feed, then do molasses water (1 Tbsp per gallon)o n alternate days. So it's feeding nutes with calmag added, then molasses water, then notes alternating. had good results with my girls. i did not start calmat until later in the grow but knowing what i know now i would have started it even before nutes.
the calmag is real important with the led's if using them.
Thanks a lot guys, yeah, she's getting calmag with every feed now, not that this means a lot really though, as I only need to feed every 2 to 3 days at the moment, and molasses every other feed to keep the soil happy xD

I have to say... She is such a bushy lass, I'm amazed at how crazy she looks inside that top foliage! As I say, I'm not gonna LST this run, it's my first grow and I have a romantic notion of letting her do her own thing to a certain degree but I have to be honest with you, and mention that I'm quite heavily tucking leaves inside that are shading the bud sites... It's one thing asking her to grow naturally, and another letting her limit her own potential (at least that's the way I justify it to myself!) :D
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It means she doesn't look particularly pretty on camera, but damn is she beautiful in person!
They look fantastic bro.. I like to just let my autos grow as they want to . leaf tucking is just plane smart to get the light to the inside.. At the stage your in molasses is feeding the culture thats going on in the soil. those enzymes go nuts over the sugar id back off the molasses until after you do your flush and start back up with bloom nutes. to much molasses will build up..
make the leaves look funky.. I use AN carboload which is just all cleaned up molasses..
Perfect @The Elvis, thank you... Yeah, that pretty much fits with how I was planning on doing it, as I say, I'm only needing to feed every 2 to 3 days, so she's only getting the carbs approximately once a week... I'm kinda winging it, as I'm sure most new growers are, and going by gut instinct for most of this :D

With her being so bushy, it's kind of hard to tell how how much she's growing up, but damn is she reaching out! That's what I'm watching now for when to switch over to bloom I suppose, when I see she's just about stopped growing out, give her a nice solid flush and then onto the Bloom schedule?
Perfect @The Elvis, thank you... Yeah, that pretty much fits with how I was planning on doing it, as I say, I'm only needing to feed every 2 to 3 days, so she's only getting the carbs approximately once a week... I'm kinda winging it, as I'm sure most new growers are, and going by gut instinct for most of this :D

With her being so bushy, it's kind of hard to tell how how much she's growing up, but damn is she reaching out! That's what I'm watching now for when to switch over to bloom I suppose, when I see she's just about stopped growing out, give her a nice solid flush and then onto the Bloom schedule?

yep thats how ya do it.

I'm kinda winging it, as I'm sure most new growers are, and going by gut instinct for most of this :D
Ive been doing just that for over a year now,.. :pass: