Joe Dirt
I have seen it in the JEMS and the Dragons and I have only grown each once... so, I'm sure it happens on colored strains.did you by any chance ever see purple seedling leaves JD
But, your "lights off" temps are lower than I would want them to be if it were my plants. Surviving and thriving are not the same thing. I don't like to see seedling temps below 24c... temps below than can affect your soil pH and the plants do not grow as well in cold soil mix either... Plus, I believe oxygen content is also adversely affected by low temps. I don't know your set-up but I put a space heater just outside my cab, near the intake (heater has no fan) when the temps are too low... on a thermostat. If your cab is small, you could try a heating pad (like used for sore muscles) but DO NOT put the plants directly on top of the pad. You could do the same thing with a small space heater if your cab is bigger and you are not in a position to put the heater outside the cab. It is important that whatever you use has some kind of functional thermostat setting.