Indoor Dr. Babniks Botanical Garden - My AFN News Journal

You said you don't fed with silica whole grow because you don't want to smoke silica crystals? So... when do you fed?
No, no. During veg I like silica.
I don't know if silica is any good to smoke... do you?

I quit feeding 3-4 weeks before chop. And start around 3 week old plants.

@ClockworkOrange I use potassium silicate. That's best form for plants.

Oh, EDIT: @Dr. Babnik I didn't research about that. But I don't see difference between "silica fed plant" and "organic fed plant" or "nutes fed plant".
I feed my flowering Atomic plants with silica now. The stems are very soft.
Mine gets very hard after 2-4 waterings, so LST is very hard to do. I must be careful not to break stems when LST them. It's really good supplement.
Yes, one of the few supplements you really can see working.
If I LST, I don't start silica until after the main stem is as I want it.
Zenseeds Hoffman - harvest in progress.

beautiful purple leaves on that one doc... wow you got me excited because i have a couple of these i do believe:eyebrows:
The stone is great! Bho from it, I guess will be extremely powerful.
I look forward to grow more LSD generics.
Some of the branches was of the size of a small auto.