Great read thanks,

I was looking up the cob chips after watching the YouTube guy and which size and color do you go for, he said 20-40 volts but I cannot see that spec, only cob 3w-5w-10w Chips, daylight/warm white?
Bit confusing, I would be happy to find someone that would make these for me rather then cock it up myself,
Any clues on the chops to get ?
You definitely want the bigger higher wattage chips for DIY. Cree cxb3070, cxb3590, bridgelux Vero29. The wattage will be determined by the voltage of the chip, and the amps you run it at. For example I'm using a single 72v cob powered by .7A. ~50w.

COB is chip on board. Each cob is full of tiny little LEDs. The problem with cheap eBay ones is what chips are they using. I've messaged a few sellers and it seems to be impossible to find the specs of whatever they have. Probably not an upgrade over other cheap Chinese leds.
Full DIY, that's a good and cost effective way to do it. Cxb3590 on arctic 64 cpu coolers and I'd just hang them individually for maximum customizability.

Converting, mars has the .7A drivers, I would go 1 x 72v Cree cxb3590(whatever color you want, 3500k flower, 4000k all purpose, 5000k+ veg only) per driver. That's probably the easiest way and gets the most use out of existing parts.
Hey mrsmall,
are you converting your Mars panel or want one from scratch?
I have some cree cobs on pc heatsinks and they're awesome:) No need for anything else

i dont have any mars or any led yet! i would like to have same as you ,, i am looking for cheap electric with good results!