Congratulations @slowandeasy !!:d5:
Thanks Bigg Al! The fact that I literally just got the 28x28 Mars Hydro Tent in the mail that day I posted makes it even bettet for me! I didnt have a light for it yet, and was goin to buy 1. I think the Mars Hydro Cob should work well in that sized tent! It looks like the spectrum is full, very full! I believe it is adjustable on intensity as well? I purchased the 28x28 from Mars Hydro because that is bigger than a 2x2 but smaller than a 3x3. Exactly what I needed for this space. So I want to make the best of it! Now with the new Mars Hydro Cob, I should be all set to grow some nice plants in it! I have the fan aleady, and have an extra fan for circulation. So once my new COB arrives lets see what it can do with some SOUR CRACK F8 tester seeds! Peace, slow
Congrats @slowandeasy .new lights always a joy.enjoy,and happy growing every1;)
Thanks @autobeast ! It is perfect timing, dont have a light for a brand new tent. Couldnt be happier to use a new Mars Hydro Cob, to keep thw Mars Hydro Tent light up! Will say, that tent seems like it will last longer. I have to replace my 4x8 and I am doing it with 2 More new Mars Hydro tents. I can see quality. And it is worth a few extra bucks up front if they last longer. My 4x8 lasted a long time, but it is not nearly as good of quality. Im getting a 5x5 and a 39x39 Mars Hydro tent to replace the 4x8. I can grow more plants that way. I can only fit 4 plants in a 4x8 flowering. Vs 5 to 6 plants in 5x5 and 39x39. Plus they will last longer. So it will pay off both immediately and long term. If anyone needs a new tent, Mars Hydro tents are better material by far than most tents and not much more expensive Peace, slow
At least thats over.

No offense to Slow or any of the competitors; some wonderful beasts, nor directed to @MarshydroTina : always good to hear of freebies, but... that comp sucked balls and MH reputation has gone down in my opinion, especially reading some members poppng off againt each other...

A weighted prize is still a weighted prize.

I didnt enter this comp because that 'popularity contest' notion made me REALLY uncomfortable, but do hope you can move to a more equitable system for future giveaways MH'Tina

Good going @slowandeasy , make that light work like a b1tch for you.
At least thats over.

No offense to Slow or any of the competitors; some wonderful beasts, nor directed to @MarshydroTina : always good to hear of freebies, but... that comp sucked balls and MH reputation has gone down in my opinion, especially reading some members poppng off againt each other...

A weighted prize is still a weighted prize.

I didnt enter this comp because that 'popularity contest' notion made me REALLY uncomfortable, but do hope you can move to a more equitable system for future giveaways MH'Tina

Good going @slowandeasy , make that light work like a b1tch for you.
Sorry you feel that way. I just entered to light up a new tent. Win or lose I needed a light for it. I am happy to have won, since times are tight and we are not allowed to leave our houses basically. I would gladly smoke the entire yield of my first harvest in my new tent under the new light with anyone on this site, if I could and I truly mean it. I predict 5oz dried is the average of the future harvests under that light in that space. 2 Sour Cracks at 2.5oz each dried is my prediction. We shall see. I already have the tent set up and seeds will be here tomorrow. New light will be shown off immediately. Peace, slow
Thanks Everyone!

Congratulations Slow!

You help a lot of people here and I’ve learned a LOT from you the past year... Super stoked for you man!!
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