New Grower Dirt Cheap Organic Grow

I really like the way you think Pops! "kudos"
Yo Pop,
Suggested reading, text books regarding organics, pot or not...I AM THE SPONGE, I AM THE SPONGE...I AM THE EGGMAN!

True Lovong Organics is a good book to start with. It has some good information. The book is repetiitive and rambling at times and the book is not well organized, but still the information is worth the read. I learned enough to apply it to my KISS principal. Another great source is our own eyes On Fire, he's our Master grower in organics and has posted a lot if great information
True Living Organics is a good book to start with. It has some good information. The book is repetiitive and rambling at times and the book is not well organized, but still the information is worth the read. I learned enough to apply it to my KISS principal. Another great source is our own eyes On Fire, he's our Master grower in organics and has posted a lot if great information

grrr i hate my stupid

Can't get enough of this. Thank you for doing this.
True Lovong Organics is a good book to start with. It has some good information. The book is repetiitive and rambling at times and the book is not well organized, but still the information is worth the read. I learned enough to apply it to my KISS principal. Another great source is our own eyes On Fire, he's our Master grower in organics and has posted a lot if great information

Thanx. Collecting ingredients for soil now and waiting for Mid March to start 'em.
Going to be subbed to this one; I want to do organic grows, but the first impression of them is definitely that there's a learning cliff to climb, and so much to keep track of, especially if you're thinking of TLO. Layering, spikes, teas, mixes, cook's very intimidating especially to new growers who were expecting to just put some seeds into the dirt and get some green!

Throwing some (meager, as I'm new sadly) rep your way for this. Not many new growers feel comfortable leaping into the deep end, so a thread showing that good results can come from organic growing AND that it can be simple and inexpensive to get into are really what we need to change those scary first impressions!

yeah man good stuff goin on bro!! thanks for the props too :d5:

ive mentioned this more times than Id care to think about lmfao! a bag of decent or cheap soil and work it with some simple stuffs and a soup feed er two or tea once or its really easy lol!! and very cheap on great job!:Sharing One: