New Grower Dirt Cheap Organic Grow

WOOO HOOO! Love the sound of that greenhouse! Yea man, those worms will keep you plants fat and happy Feed them 1/2 done compost from your composters and they'll process it even faster! I just sifted one bin for the castings and I've got a 5 gallon pail full. Plus the worm population in that bin had to have multiplied by 5 at least!! There are a lot of worms in it! I may start a third bin. The other bin will get sifted tomorrow and that one has a lot of worms also! I'm hoping to have 30 gallons of castings bt June 1st for my outdoor grows and garden.

All part of the learning curve, i spose. 10 days til I can put shit OUTSIDE! Wifey bought me 2 huge composters for my birthday! Aint that some shit? she smokes, I vape/smoke on occasion. Looking at plans for big-ass greenhouse...20x30 with 40x40 decking. YOU TURNED ME ON TO WORMS!
Will get some pics tomorrow, can't today, have little people! Plants are looking much better the distilled water did its job in arresting the damage of the bad water. New RO filters are in place and I've made 12 gallons of RO water. The White widow even though still rather yellow looking, has started growing again, and some leaves even regained their color. Ine test plant is looking to be a loss, but I'm going to let her finish if she will, hell, what better stress test!

I moved all but the WW out of the tent and in went 3 sprouts in 5 gallon pots. 4, five gallon pots fit perfectly in the tent. Will be interesting when the get to flower stage, if the plants get big, its going to get crowded!

New plant are: 2- Bubbly Kush, 1 Sour Diesel x Stone Dragon, and one Dragon Kush. All are organic soil amended with worm castings and Grow More Organic Soil builder. I thought about starting my DWC up again, but I'm just loving this organic growing so much!

And the plant that is the heart of this post? Well she is doing great! she had very little damage from the bad water and she is the best looking plant I have growing right now! She's 15" tall and she's turning into a large budsicle! I'll have pics tomorrow when I can take some safely.
WOOO HOOO! Love the sound of that greenhouse! Yea man, those worms will keep you plants fat and happy Feed them 1/2 done compost from your composters and they'll process it even faster! I just sifted one bin for the castings and I've got a 5 gallon pail full. Plus the worm population in that bin had to have multiplied by 5 at least!! There are a lot of worms in it! I may start a third bin. The other bin will get sifted tomorrow and that one has a lot of worms also! I'm hoping to have 30 gallons of castings bt June 1st for my outdoor grows and garden.

Just how much worm castings to you use in your soil? Percentage wise?
Ohhh geez, I did it again! Things have been very difficult at home and I've lost track a bit on my threads. Trying to get in track again!

Things are doing good throughout the garden. In the tent you will see 6 plants, 4 of which are "sick" plants. by that I mean, they are autoflowers that were just beginning to flower when the water damaged they. And although some show signs they have recovered a bit, they all have the same problem, flowering has not restarted and I don't know if it will. I've also got an odd phenomenon happening also. I have 2 autos that are looking like clones that are taken when a plant is in flower. Its characterized by the growth of a profusion of new leaves, mostly where you'd see buds. I don't know if these plants will ever flower again or not, so what I've done is put them in the tent with 2 female photo periods, and one male that's almost ripe. The make is a Durrty Dragon x Blueberry Headband that auto'd. I want him to pollinate the 2 females which should start flowering any day, as I set the tent to 12/12 about 6 days ago. I don't care if they other get pollinated or not, I just want to see if they'll at least flower enough to get seeded bud, because some bud is better than none!

In the growroom you see my auto White widow, which has started growing again, in fact, she's grown about 5" in the last week. BUT, she's another that was halted in flower. Its driving me crazy that a nice, big plant like this, could turn out to be worthless! In the tot behind her, is my large, DD x BBH that is growing very nicely. I'm going to top her again this week. I'm hoping to SCROG her in the next 2-4 weeks, depending on of she's where I want her to be growth wise. I'm feeling good about her getting big and giving me lots of bud! In the pot standing in the tote next to the BBH is one of my Yoda's Dragon's Breath, a beautiful little plant!
She bounced back and is finishing her buds! Awesome genetics here! Next time I plant these, they will be in BIG pots!

Speaking of big pots, I have three, 5 gallon pots with seedlings in the growroom now. The pots were filled with fresh organic soil, some worm castings and about 4 tablespoons of Growmore Organic Soil Builder. I have 3 strains. One is my Dragon Kush, one is Sour Diesel Dragon, and one is my Mephisto red-headed stepchild, a Bubbly Kush. Now these bubbly Kush were a project of Mitch's which used some genetics from Stitch............So they may or may not auto. Mitch did advise me on this before I bought them but he gave me a great deal on them and some nice freebies too! So my plan is to grow out a bunch of them, and if I find both a male and female that auto, I'll cross them in hopes of getting a higher percentage of autos in the next generation. And I've got to say this, the bubbly Kush is the largest and healthiest looking of the seedlings! Hell, I don't care if they auto or not, I've no doubt they'll give some fine bud. My Dragon Kush is Durrty Dragon and Stitches KVS, and that is a damn fine cross!

Everything you see here, is growing organically. When the plants that are in recycled soil are done, I'll use the soil in my wornbins, as it helps make great worm castings! Nothing goes to waste. I even chop up the fan leaves and stems and put them in the worm bins.

I just bought twelve, 30 quart bags if the Isabelle Miracle Mix Organic soil for $3.00 a bag at the farmer's market. He even threw in a couple Spaghetti Squash! Nothing better than free dinner! I used home-made spaghetti sauce I made from tomatoes I grew last summer, and some ground Venison that was given to me!

I'll buy another 16 bags of soil when I get paid next month. That and a bale of Pro Mix, and the rest of the soil recycled from last year's outdoor grow will be blended for my upcoming greenhouse grows.

So far, I've spent $58.00 for my grow needs for this year. I may end up spending another $30-$40 before I'm done, but remember, I can't have an in the ground garden here so 'll be growing in 2, small, greenhouses, and thisa includes mt vegetable gardening too! And O've got a couple special things for that too, like blue tomatoes and some fancy peppers!

Plants in the Tent:





Veg Cab

As I'm growing all organic now, I'm going to merge this thread with my Indoor Garden 2015 thread. You still get to see how you can grow organically and not have to spend much money! One of thos 30 quart bags of soil, mixed with about a gallon of wormcastings, fills two, 5 gallon pots. that $1.50 per plant! I haven't measured it out, but the 1-2 tablespoons of soil builder, per gallon of soil probably costs another 10! You see my plants and even after being damaged by bad water, they still became good looking plants. And that DD x BBH in the tote? I'll get some pics of her alone, she's an impressive plant, growing in my normal organic soil mix!
Hows this For Cheap?

Thought I'd update this tread after all. I'll occasionally pop a pic of one of my plants in here and tell a bit about it. This is a Short Stuff Onxy. It is growing in a 1/2 gallon pot ( 2 Lt. ) It was stunted by bad water when it was about a foot tall, but she recovered and went on to be this 29" tall plant! I attribute her awesome recovery to her grow medium, plain, organic potting soil amended with just 30% fresh worm castings! ( I have my own worm bin ) This is the only plant I've gotten to grow this big in such a small pot, and its also the first one to only use worm castings. Can't prove the worm castings are responsible for her health and growth, but it sure seems that way to me!

the more of these short stuffs I see, I think "short" may be a mis-print lol.
the more of these short stuffs I see, I think "short" may be a mis-print lol.

Its a beautiful plants. It has some issues but I can't dicuss that yet, still part of a private grow. I've got more so I'll grow another round as soon as I can, I want to see one that’s been healthy from start to finish.