New Grower Dirt Cheap Organic Grow

Are the mars lights the 'reflector' series? Is that 300w actual draw?

My lights are the "old" style, and I'm quite happy with them. I don't miss the 600 watt MH at all. last winter with the MH, I had to run a fan and sometimes even my airconditioner, even with temps below 30F!
Although this seedling is the focus of this thread, I just planted a Spliff Seeds Auto White Widow. It is in a 3.5 gallon pot. The soil is a mix of fresh Isabelle Organic Potting soil ( 30 quart bag costs $3.00 ) The soil is an excellent product, don't let the price fool you! I mixed in about 5 pounds of worm castings, 1 1/2 tablespoons ( in the bottom third of the soil ) of GrowMore Organic Flower and Bloom. In the rest of the soil, I blended in 2 tablespoons of GrowMore Organic Soil builder. The Growmore products cost me $5.85 plus shipping. Each box weights 4 pounds. I've used the soil builder for 30-40 plants and still have plenty left. Great bang for the buck! So again, my cost is probably about $3.10 for a 3.5 gallon grow, and I have enough soil left to fill at least one more big pot and maybe a couple small ones!. I’ll post a pic when she sprouts. I already soaked the seed about 24 hours and she already had a tiny tap root, so in the pot she went!
Day 29
RH: 30%

My plant is looking good! Nice color and good growth. I'm surprized it hasn't flowered yet, these usual sex in less than 20 days! No worries though, the longer she's in veg, the bigger she'll get! ( IF its a ) To date, only given RO water. Next watering it will get one dose of 90ppm water and Cal/Mag. That will be the only thing I add. I may top dress it in a couple weeks with some fresh worm castings. So far, Dirt Cheap is doing wellL!


Thanks Dazed! Yes, I posted this thread for those who haven't grown yet and those who need to save a buck I'm showing them how to do it easy and inexpensive. Too many new growers get caught up in fancy soils and feeding formulas. thats all great but, look how many have issues with their first grows, trying to juggle all that crap! Probably the most imp[ortant lesson for a new grower to learn is watering correctly. Growing this way gives you time to concentrate on the very basics of watering, pruning, proper light distance, spacing of plants. After you've grown this way, and you want to dabble with using 47 varieties of supplements, well, have at it! you won't have to think much about the basics and can concentrate on monitoring your feed schedule to see how your plant reacts. Although I'd think once you've done a grow as easy as this, you might not want to do any other way!
Honestly could not agree more, I've been there. Now less is more in my opinion. Can't wait to see how this turns out she is looking fantastic already!
Great idea wish i saw this about a month ago pop

I have pics of the Spliff Seeds White Widow I'm growing this way also. I did also add Grow More Organic Soil builder to this one along with 30% worm castings and fresh, organic soil. So far, 6 seedlings seemed to have sprouted 1 to 3 days faster in pots using worm castings. Can't really draw conclusions from that, but it seems to suggest there's something good going on.

As you can see, looks like this girl is off to a good start. I'll document her here along with the other plant. I figure I have about a 1/3 of a bag of soil in this pot, so that's about $1.00. The Grow More cost me $5.85 plus shipping for a 4 lb box, that I've used on maybe 50 plants or more, and still have a fair amount left. I'll call the value of what I used.... 10 cents. Worm castings are free, I make my own. The pot I had from a summer grow. Do you see how inexpensive organics can be?
Now we'll see how well they grow. I've had pretty good luck with my organic grows since I sy=tarted a few months ago. I believe the key to a good soil grow is NOT to over water.

White Widow


Yo Pop,
Suggested reading, text books regarding organics, pot or not...I AM THE SPONGE, I AM THE SPONGE...I AM THE EGGMAN!