ok guys so here's the last pics of the Dinafem Cheese CBD Auto. she smells like creamy berries and i really really cant wait until it cures some and i can smoke it!
remo has worked great! the buds are full,dense and terpy/frosty as all hell! i will get up a dry weight when its time and a smoke report up also:toke:
Hope not I haven't seen @Dinafem-Mark around to weigh in and what kind of bud structure I'll get on that OG CBD I got going. But I suppose if those Amnesia CBDs have too much of the amnesia they could get monsters.

Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st

Sorry for not being around more all I keep forgetting to pop in this section and now I'm all caught up I've been missing some fun :thumbsup:

Do you have the packaging mate as it will say auto flowering on the tin :thumbsup:

I'm quite confident that all members were sent autos and yours are flowering and I must say looking great :bong:

Let me have a more thorough check through the thread to see what I've missed :thumbsup:

All the best

ok guys so here's the last pics of the Dinafem Cheese CBD Auto. she smells like creamy berries and i really really cant wait until it cures some and i can smoke it!
remo has worked great! the buds are full,dense and terpy/frosty as all hell! i will get up a dry weight when its time and a smoke report up also:toke:
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Superb job brother and one of the first completed Cheese auto cbd grows we have seen :bong:

Beautiful bud structure and overall plant development looks great. You definitely have pushed this lady and come out with some fire looking end product :pass:

Will look out for the dry weight in and your thoughts on that lush end product once fully dry and cured :bong:

Until then enjoy mate :thumbsup:

All the best

Day 58ish

Here is my competition plant at around day 58 59 60 who knows exactly. She may finish in time for the final photo we'll have to see. I also included a video it's a little longer than my normal about 2 minutes shows just how monstrous all the plants are getting.

I believe the two Amnesia CBD are going to be in what I call Bloom in about a week, starting to get a lot more hairs each node and once they get a little button sized bud I'll consider that in flower and start transitioning. Well now that I think about it I'm on Remo nutrients so I don't really transition the same way I'll just start using the full line.


Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st

She's filling out like a fat kid in the candy store :thumbsup:

Great work on the lst and branch management you definitely have opened this lady up which should allow much deeper light penetration and those lower branches should get some much needed light :thumbsup:

I would try to get some plant support structure in place as you have multiple colas which are going to pack on some serious weight in the week ahead and would be a real shame to lose any buds so support is advised mate :bong:

It is looking like @PlatinumLEDTom x @RemoNutrients x @Dinafem-Mark is proving a success :thumbsup:

All the best

I'm going to have to hear from @Dinafem-Mark on what kind of buds they put on, If they're like the haze CBD then this plant might just barely get to be a pound. But if they're like the industrial plant CBD then I might be looking at 2 pounds. I would really like to have a 2-pound pound plant.

Of course, I'd have to do a staggered Harvest because two pounds is my limit of dried flowers at one time.

Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st

With our amnesia auto cbd the yield is substantially more than you would get from our haze auto cbd. Due to her growing much taller with a lot more budsites it has proven to be a very decent yielding lady :thumbsup:

Haze auto CBD is an ok production strain but compared to industrial plant auto cbd the yield are a lot different with amnesia being more like industrial plant auto cbd :thumbsup:

She looks to be on her way now mate :thumbsup:

All the best

Superb job brother and one of the first completed Cheese auto cbd grows we have seen :bong:
Beautiful bud structure and overall plant development looks great. You definitely have pushed this lady and come out with some fire looking end product :pass:
Will look out for the dry weight in and your thoughts on that lush end product once fully dry and cured :bong:
Until then enjoy mate :thumbsup:
All the best
thanks mark but i know i could have grew her better/bigger but i am VERY happy with the strain as i have been taking a couple bong rips of it here and there. i will get some pics up of dried buds and a smoke report by next week i would guess. i should have time to do it this weekend....:thumbsup::slap: for this great strain as always mark!

With our amnesia auto cbd the yield is substantially more than you would get from our haze auto cbd. Due to her growing much taller with a lot more budsites it has proven to be a very decent yielding lady :thumbsup:

Haze auto CBD is an ok production strain but compared to industrial plant auto cbd the yield are a lot different with amnesia being more like industrial plant auto cbd :thumbsup:

She looks to be on her way now mate :thumbsup:

All the best

hey mark so i ABSOLUTELY LOVED the Haze cbd! can you give me an idea on how the IPCBD smokes/ the high and any medicinal uses you noticed? also same questions about the Amnesia CBD... ive been growing a cbd strain every grow now and need to get some more strains/seeds for my tent and with Dinafem having the best cbd auto i have grew/smoked i would like to see what else you have to offer for auto CBD and some of your thoughts on them... im a huge sativa fan but would check out the OGK cbd also:pass:
Day 70 OGCBD, Day 45-50 AMCBD

The OG CBD is now at the point where the calyxs are starting to swell up and the pistils are starting to die back. I've got a good bamboo cage inside the plant holding things up. I decided to get rid of one of my Amnesia CBDs and move the other right up along side the OG CBD. The OG CBD is 48 inches tall and the Amnesia is taller.

So the first picture is of the AMCBD and then the OGCBD and a couple bud shots. I think in the future I'm going to scrog the Amnesia that's the first Autoflower I've seen that I think you could do an actual scrog.

Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st
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