Okay, I chopped all the top colas today I believe there were nine total. I'm going to let them dry couple days and then chop the rest of the stuff that was down below.

With about 3 weeks left in flower she started to drink 3 times a day after a couple hard wiltings, anyway I changed her to three times a day. Then once she fattened up enough I just decided to flush her and I only flush twice a day and that's what's got the fan leaves really looking ratty for only about a week of flush.

Not sure what the yield is going to be but each Cola looks to be about 2 oz or more.

Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st
say what!!!!
winner gets a what!?!?!

thats bad ass.
Cheers hobbes and @PlatinumLEDTom
You guys rock. Hooking the swag up!

Wowsers :bravo::bravo::bravo::bravo::bravo:


What the who.

Big thanks tom
Ill do you proud. Im stoked man really. Thank you.

Thanks to everyone here and thanks to afn.
Just blessed to even be with you guys and the knowledge. Putting it all together and growing monsters.

im just tickled!:woody::woody:

I'm just Pleased you are on the Staff Team...:coffee:

here ya go @Mossy i couldnt get some pics to upload... ill try again tomorrow

On for you @tripaholic88 :bighug:..Thank You..

From now until the end of January 2018 I have Doubled the amount of Plus Rep that comes with the Vendor badges...so anyone doing a [HASHTAG]#platinum led[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#dinafem[/HASHTAG] or [HASHTAG]#remonutrients[/HASHTAG] Review from this Growbattle will get 1,002 Pus Rep points for completed reviews..as well as the Vendor badge..:headbang:

Can anyone give me the Comp Winner/places please..?..then I can get you badged up..:bighug: