Dinafem Dinafem OG Kush - RainScience GrowBag Test & Round1 2019 Grow Battle (Only1Sky)

Well, sadly, this grow had a huge misstep, :oops1: and is now in the category of "epic fail." :rofl:. Things were going typically OK, see here at day 5:

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But then the next day the leaves of these, and all my other 3 plants, turned seriously burned and brown. All I did was mist them in the morning, then put the humidity dome back on. Hum... what's different this time is that I had moved them into the tent and fired up two AutoCobs over them. In all my previous grows I've used my Amare light with just the monochromes on for the first couple of weeks. So, I guess the power of the AutoCobs augmented perhaps by the plastic humidity dome was overkill for this tender stage of growth. I waited to see if they'd totally die, or survive & recover. Here's how they now look on day 11:

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Well, they're not dead. But clearly they got stopped in their tracks. :frowny: For day 11 this is pathetic. I won't throw them away, I've seen how early problems can often be overcome, but I am considering trying to germinate two more replacement seeds. :greencheck:

It looks like you fried them mate. With new lighting it is going to happen. I think they would have been good under the COB but with no dome?

Atleast you have replacements which are now above ground and looking good :pass:

These things happen mate. You've handled it like a man and soldiered on :bong:

Let's hope for a better outcome from batch 2 :thumbsup:

Until next time :bong:

All the best

@Dinafem-Mark - yeah, clearly a case of "operator error." But learning is good, so long as one actually does learn something. Thanks for the well wishes on batch 2 !! :d5:
Well, its been a slow and painful start to this grow. One of the original "fried" seedlings finally died. Of the two replacements, both germ'd nicely, but then suffered what seems to be a "damping-off" problem. One died fairly quickly, the other is struggling. Here we are after finally moving the gals into their 5-gallon RainScience and Fiber pots. :biggrin:

26.OGKs Group.JPG
26.OGK1 RainSci.JPG
26.OGK12 Fiber.JPG
Update .... the replacement seedling in the fiber pot did not make it. This has been a most terrible (and instructional) grow cycle. Since the Jan 18 early start I have dropped all four of my remaining Dinafem OG Kush seeds. First two got Cob-fried (but one survived). Second two died from damping-off. I initially suspected some mold in the Rapid Rooter plugs - which, while definitely present, is not likely the sole culprit. I clearly made the mistake of keeping the seedlings in a very high humidity environment before moving them into the tent. Oh well, c'est la vie. :biggrin:
@TheMongol - Color me embarrassed and a bit stupid, :oops1: but not done. :wall: One of the 1st seeds dropped back on Jan 18 got COB burned, but not killed. She's the one in the RainScience Bag in the previous post. She's finally out of her coma and starting to show some proper leaf growth. So we're still in the game. :smoking:
@TheMongol - Color me embarrassed and a bit stupid, :oops1: but not done. :wall: One of the 1st seeds dropped back on Jan 18 got COB burned, but not killed. She's the one in the RainScience Bag in the previous post. She's finally out of her coma and starting to show some proper leaf growth. So we're still in the game. :smoking:

It's been a tough start to this diary with one surviving lady. Fingers crossed my friend :pass:

How is she doing since the COB burning?

All the best
