Sweet Seeds Red Poison & Devil Cream (Only1Sky)

Yipes, I've let 17 days slip by without taking any photos. The gals have been busy making resin & trichomes. Here's Devil Cream at day 45.
Leaves are showing a deficiency, but the buds are developing a nice subtle red/purple-ish color, sticky and sweet to the smell.

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Here's Red Poison at day 46:

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Its now day 57 for Devil Cream and day 58 for Red Poison. Both maturing nicely. Trichomes still mostly clear, but beginning to turn. Leaves are definitely showing their age. Feed program continues to be true to the Prescription Blend formula for this stage. Each gets between 1.5 and 2.5 liters once every 3 days.

Here's Devil Cream, showing some nice "redness" in her buds.

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And here's Red Poison. Also looking quite fetchin'. :d5:

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These gals are nearing their peak. Maybe a week to go. They're now off of the Prescription Blend program and onto my finishing program: its a day of feed of Green Planet's DENSE, then 3 feed days of Herculean Harvest. If the plants last that long, then the cycle repeats. But I doubt it. If any of them still need a drink after 1 day Dense and 1 day Herc, then I'll probably move exclusively to AN's Finish Phase.

Here is Devil Cream a day 65:

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And here is Red Poison at day 66:

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Devil Cream was harvested at just 12.5" (31.75 cm) after 66 days. She was kind of a "fast finisher" -- most of my plants take closer to 90 days. But I think these "red family" strains finish up sooner. She had beautiful buds, but sadly, not as bountiful a yield as I would have hoped. She did the best she could
given her small size. After 3 days of drying, her yield was 1 ounce or 27.3 grams. Here's some photos of her a few moments prior to harvest.

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