Indoor DinaFem IP CBD and Blue Cheese Redemption

ive had plenty of bright ideas that just didnt come together over the years.but im sure that lil tent will come in handy at sometime down the line :thumbsup:
good luck n keep er lit.
I decided that even if BC1 could go a bit longer, to harvest both at the same time.

Harvested BC 1 and 2, pinned paper bags of BC's above lights
and put can/fan on more frequently.
Lots of ONA around but the place still smells very stinky. Trim went into paper bag in silica container for rapid drying so I can have a teaser in a couple of days.

IPCBD got food and I lowered the light. Estimate mid-Nov-ish to harvest it.

Now I have to decide what to plant next:
  • Kush VanStitch (very smelly) could be ready after Christmas. If I SoG all three it should keep me warm for the winter. That was my original plan.
  • Amnesia Haze Auto (RQ) is a favorite strain and could be ready close to early February, I don't know if I could fit two or three of them, in 2 gallon pots...
  • Diesel Auto (smelly) could be early January.
And of course, I will want to get some more CBD seeds going at some point also. If only I had more space...
Jarred the Blue Cheeses, and left a small lower bud out for a tease. But I forgot which plant it was from. It is so dank and delicious and very potent. The taste still lingers 2 1/2 hours later, and I am still very high on 2 tokes. Love this strain!

The sativa pheno got me about 12+ grams, and the little indica got me about 7.

I am happy with the quality and the results. First time with small pots and multi-strain. I have to make sure I start feed earlier with recycled soil, and bring the humidity up, at least in summertime.

I don't care about "bag appeal" because I am not commercial, but uncured it is diamond coated and very oily.

Honestly, it doesn't need a cure, but its going to get one anyways. Be strong, VitaMan, be strong!

The IP CBD looks quite happy with closer light and the tent to herself. Blooming vigorously, she might give me a nice little stash.
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I will do a proper smoke/vape report after a cure but here's some preliminary results.

Bud unknown pheno uncured (2 big vapor hits)
Pungent, cheesy smoothness. Hope more berry comes out after the cure.
Hit my head quickly and in a half-hour had become all-encompassing. Last 2 smaller hits 3 hours later and I would laugh at the silliest things. Mild body effects. Music was great. I'm guessing it might be the sativa pheno. A bit edgy, but cure will probably take that off.

Sugar Leaf, mixed phenos (3/4 fatty smoked)
Pungent cheesy and fruity.
Very uplifting, "bright" mood. Fast acting and builds from there. Headband effect. L o n g lasting euphoria. I smoked it at 11:30 am, and at 2:45 I am still quite high.
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I haven't been updating very frequently....:redface:

15 weeks

IP CBD Smell is skunky and quite pervasive- Mrs said she was hit by it a soon as she opened the door!

Larger leaves yellow, most pistils are red, colas are pretty full, but I hope they will also fatten up over the next week or so.

Gave Dry KoolBloom, molasses and Terpinator. Cleaned up leaves.

Took a bit of popcorn from the bottom for a sneak peek, put in envelope and silica to quick dry.

Decided to finish this one before germinating my next seeds. This I hope gives me a chance to convert my closet so I have a bit more room.
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Week 16 Water. Terp. Food, Dry KB, molasses. Continuing to fill out.
Funny, house seems to smell a bit less than it did. Handling the plant releases a strong sweet aroma.
Nov 11: Good flush with molasses, FLoraKleen and Terpinator. Harvest in less than a week.

I know pics are very late, but so is this plant ;-)
IPCBD Nov11 08.JPG

uIPCBD Nov11 06.JPG

A lower bud:
uIPCBD Nov11 14.JPG

Some top views
IPCBD Nov11 13.JPG

IPCBD Nov11 10.JPG

Main cola
uIPCBD Nov11 07.JPG



  • uIPCBD Nov11 11.JPG
    uIPCBD Nov11 11.JPG
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  • IPCBD Nov11 12.JPG
    IPCBD Nov11 12.JPG
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  • IPCBD Nov11 09.JPG
    IPCBD Nov11 09.JPG
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she is stacked,lovely frosting :thumbsup: cheeky sample smoke report seems to hit the spot nicely :hookah:
good luck n keep er lit.
she is stacked,lovely frosting :thumbsup: cheeky sample smoke report seems to hit the spot nicely

Yeah, I am glad I gave her a chance, I think it will be worth the long wait!
The IP CBD sample, while effects were mild as expected, was surprisingly potent. Reminded me a little of a low dose Valium. I am confident that I will like the mature, cured weed. Couldn't tell from the quick dry, but I hope she will have a skunky taste that matches her blooming smell.

The Blue Cheeses have another week or so to cure. I have been a good boy so far, not touching it until they are ready. Having a good stash on hand makes it easier to resist temptation when I air out the jars, which fills the upstairs with a wonderful fruit and cheese aroma that's almost intoxicating on its own.

The LSD25 gets more and more psychedelic with age. Just 3 tokes for a kaleidoscopic experience. Mazar is nice and heavy with a very foggy head. And, even with the "failed" grows, I am saving loads of money growing my own.

This latest grow is giving me even more high quality weed. Lovin' it!
IP CBD is looking pretty full. I keep wondering if I could risk pushing a little more, but I really want to start converting my tent into a closet so I can have fewer space and height limitations.

BC's are curing wonderfully. The 4 week mark is this Saturday. I can hardly wait!
The indica pheno smells more berry and the buds are a bit darker while the sativa pheno has a bit sharper scent.

Full:baked: report to come!
Just under 17 weeks! Chop Chop, bag bag!
I took the individual buds off the colas for faster drying. Cosmetics isn't as important as medicine at this point.

I'll be vaping CBD buds in just a few weeks. :)

Now I can start converting that closet!

And today I finally taste the Blue Cheese. :yay:
...should I do [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Sat pheno today, and [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] Ind pheno tomorrow?
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