Indoor DinaFem IP CBD and Blue Cheese Redemption

I took one of those plant starter trays with the clear plastic lid on it and I out out holes in the lid/dome for the cups to drop in to. Basically a gardeners cup holder. No more spills now.

Thanks that's a good idea. I have a piece of tupperware that I could use.

They were OK standing on the floor. When I picked it up and dropped it, it landed on the plant, crushing it below it's foliage.

It was very slow growing as you see form above, and I wasn't sure if I'd get much from it anyways. All three germed the same day, were put in identical soil that same day, but she took a long time to emerge and was so slow. Maybe a runt, or even old, as I bought a single seed.
Anyways, the good news: Pistils on the growing tips of both BC's. The scent is tantalizing.

I have to shut everything down on Thursday as workmen are coming to do repairs. I hope that ONA alone will conceal it.
About 5 1/2 weeks now. Things are coming along.
Switched to bloom nutes and started terpinator yesterday. BC2 is starting to spread out a bit.

There is life in that (tiny) IPCBD plant! I might get a little taste after all.

Getting nervous about the smell already. My filter is a few years old now and Ona isn't quite enough.

I need a much quieter fan too....the whine of that thing makes me paranoid.
No more getting lured into the dispen$aries for a while...

It's a small tent, so maybe I can just use the 4" from my dry tent for now.
I previously thought autos were supposed to be planted in their final pot, so I was having watering problems which I now see were due to over-potting.

Using Skelly's tech and smaller pots, I have much healthier plants.
Its been a while since I posted.

I had a very busy few days with extra long hours and didn't peek at my plants. Last week I opened the tent to find that BC1 was very droopy and thirsty so I gave them all a big drink of water. The next day they all looked quite happy.

I pulled off the low growth on both BC's

The IPCBD plant is still very tiny but green and growing! I guess it will be a long time before she starts to flower but I will wait and see what she does. I do want a taste of the strain to see if it is what I am looking for.

They since had nutes. Some BC1 leaves look damaged, I left them on at least until I can see what is going on.

Next post should include a photo or 2.
7 1/2 weeks A big difference between the 2 untrained BC phenos. They are both blooming nicely, and the perfume is great. Thanks for crossing your fingers, @archie gemmill :mrgreen: Most surprising is the huge leap in growth that the IP CBD suddenly made. I am glad I kept her, I really thought she was dead. What a fighter! with luck she'll be a 2 cola plant but at 7 1/2 weeks I am barely seeing pistils so even with a couple little buds I will at least have a little bit to try.

They all got Silica, Calmag, FloraBloom, liquid KoolBloom, Terpinator, molasses, pH 6.2; and the last of the OverGrow. The splotches you see on the leaves is neem residue from the bottom of the OverGrow mixture.
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They just passed 8 weeks. Nice stinky blooms in the BC's- I think I need more ONA pots! (at least until I can get a new filter)

The IP CBD is showing clusters of pistil on the growing tips and beginning to show lower on the stems.

I originally decided not to train them, just to see what they did on their own, and it is surprising how very different the BC phenos are. Today I decided to spread IP CBD plant's 2 stems to let light in, since it is not growing naturally anyways.

They were very thirsty when I took these photos yesterday....they bounced back since then but I am too lazy to retake the photos. I have a crappy phone camera, so it is hard to see how frosty the BC's are getting. Also, since yesterday, both of them (especially the shorter pheno) have purpled quite a bit.

looking pretty frosty to me :thumbsup: how long you think to harvest ?
i missed the last @ some quirky bug fluffs up @ if the post is edited.looks a smidge heavy on N back then,but hey when theres dif plants dif ages dif nute mixes easy done.
keep er lit.
looking pretty frosty to me :thumbsup: how long you think to harvest ?

Thanks Archie. They look better in person :)

I am thinking 2 to 3 weeks before chopping. My Can Filter is old and lost much of its effectiveness and I am getting very nervous about the smells....I hope that I can last a couple more weeks before anxiety gets the best of me.

I am never quite sure when to give them Dry Kool Bloom, but if I plan to chop the BC's in about 3 weeks, I should probably give it to them soon.

This won't be my best harvest, but it will give me some tasty treats to break up the monotony of vaping Auto Mazar from 2016 and 2017, plus the mind-blowing LSD-25 from earlier this year is lasting a long time. So I will be OK for meds thru the next grow.
we are supposed to wash the white filter thing from round the outside of it.both times ive climbed inside me cupboard its been near black :yoinks: so just got a new one.
if ya can avoid running out between harvests,or have a lil stash is such a comfort blanket.
your lsd 25 was a lovely colour,not enough purple weed out there.
keep er lit.