Grow Mediums DinaFem Cheese w/ Coco Perlite

I think I may have figured it out. The 1st 2 picss are the same, I think. and the rest are now making sense as far as before and afters. Now that I'm not stoned it makes a little more sense. Although I should still label my plants. :hump:
Update day 30
I just got done feeding the girls and I upped their feed to 4ml of Fox Farm Grow Big and Big Bloom in approx. 1 1\2 gallons (5 2/3 liters) of bubbled tap water, 3ml of Cal/Mag +, and 1ml of Mammoth P and Ancient Earth. EC was 475. My feedings have been increased from every 48 hours to every 36 hours, and I also turned on the bloom switch of my Mars 400 a few days ago. I haven't labeled the girls yet, but Big Mama is easing into pre-flower. Since I'm smoking brick weed, I don't mind losing yield to an earlier flower. Does anyone know how soon I can switch to bloom nutes? :peace:
Whats up bro! Looking good in here! I usually start bloom nutes when I get cotton ball sized preflowers showing because I dont wanna hender the stretch thats coming next. Annd when you say your EC is 475, do you mean ppm? If so, for coco your ppm should be a minimum of 600 or so.
Whats up bro! Looking good in here! I usually start bloom nutes when I get cotton ball sized preflowers showing because I dont wanna hender the stretch thats coming next. Annd when you say your EC is 475, do you mean ppm? If so, for coco your ppm should be a minimum of 600 or so.
Yeah man I meant ppm, my bad! This is just my 2nd coco grow and I didn't know about 600 ppm minimum .... Thanks! :peace:
Its just a general rule. But I think my bag even says it on there somewhere. I use Cyco Platinum.
I use the large blocks and I first mixed them with soil for my 1st soil grows and for outdoors, but I think I read that sometime before my last grow. But isn't 600 ppm too high for seedlings and young plants?

Next day: the girls have responded well to the increased nutes! I'll bump them up to 600 ppms on their next feed... Thanks!
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Update day 32
Earlier today I did some more bondage and defoliating. Here are the before pics ...

and a closer shot of the biggest girl ...

Afterwards, I mixed more nutes and checked the ppm ... balls on 600 ppm, (before ph adjustment), 625 afterwards. Ph of solution was 5.95. For 3 2gallon fabric pots, I'm using about 1 1/2 gallon of bubbled water. That's 1/2 gallon a pot and I'm getting run off, approx. 10%. I know as they go into flower they will start drinking more ... I just wonder how much more? :shrug: Anywho, here's the after pic. Btw, my temps are only running around 77 F on the high end and 73 on the low end. Should I bump it up a little higher? I've been running it low trying to save on the electric bill. PS: Sorry for the blurple pic. :peace:
