Grow Mediums DinaFem Cheese w/ Coco Perlite

Looking good buddy. Your grow looks very similar to mine are the mo. One’s going large and lower quality and one’s short and super sticky in my tent.

You’ve got two sticky ones tho... [emoji16][emoji1360]

Nice work. The Cheese smells soooo bad doesn’t it? It’s evil stuff mate. I’ve smelled people smoking it in the car in front at 70mph on the motorway!

There’s no mistaking the smell of Cheese.
Sorry I'll leave the windows up next time [emoji23][emoji23]

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Update Day 58
I'd been planning on doing a flush with FF Sledgehammer, but thought I'd better do a little research since I was growing in coco. Since I seen where a lot of growers were having trouble with plants dying and such, I'm sure glad I held off. After a little more reading, I decided to flush with Big Bloom, Boomerang, and SM-90, (along with CalMag +). I got the smaller 2 girls out and flushed in the kitchen sink, but because the other girl has gotten so big ... I decided to flush her in the shower. On to the pics ... Btw, sorry for the mop in the pic, :crying:

First up is Little Sis. She's smelling divine like skunky cheese and sticky as my dirty underwear after a night of dreaming about horny virgins. :funny:
View attachment 839902

Next up we have Big Sis and she's as sticky and stinky as her sister.
View attachment 839904

Finally, we have JDGAF, (aka Big Mama). She's coming along nicely, but not near as stinky or sticky as her little sisters, (but give her some time).
View attachment 839905

Thanks for stopping by and as always, suggestions, comments, wisecracks and criticism is welcomed and encouraged. :peace:
Looking good dude I'm sure the bigger girl will frosty up before she's done longer they take the bigger they get [emoji106]

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Update day 63
Houston, we have a problem.My inexperienced eyes says I'm looking at a calcium deficiency. i'm concerned it may be caused by a lockout of too much magnesium, (you know those little cations being used up by too much mag.).. :shrug: Luckily, it's only effecting one plant, so far. Here's a few pics.

I've been averaging around 4ml per gallon of cal/mag+ everyday, which I guess may have been too much. I just flushed a week ago with Big bloom, boomerang, sm-90, and yes, cal/mag+, (5ml per gallon). I don't know if I should flush again, add lime or what? I know @Druid is a coco guru, or anyone else? :toke:
Update day 63
Houston, we have a problem.My inexperienced eyes says I'm looking at a calcium deficiency. i'm concerned it may be caused by a lockout of too much magnesium, (you know those little cations being used up by too much mag.).. :shrug: Luckily, it's only effecting one plant, so far. Here's a few pics.
View attachment 841644 View attachment 841645 View attachment 841647

I've been averaging around 4ml per gallon of cal/mag+ everyday, which I guess may have been too much. I just flushed a week ago with Big bloom, boomerang, sm-90, and yes, cal/mag+, (5ml per gallon). I don't know if I should flush again, add lime or what? I know @Druid is a coco guru, or anyone else? :toke:

What pH are you mixing the feed to?

Ya see, I was advised by @Itisi recently that pH needs to be above 6 for the plants to take on Calcium properly.

At least that’s what I think he said! [emoji23]
What pH are you mixing the feed to?

Ya see, I was advised by @Itisi recently that pH needs to be above 6 for the plants to take on Calcium properly.

At least that’s what I think he said! [emoji23]
I've actually raised the ph up to between 6 & 6.1 around 2 - 3 weeks ago, but I haven't checked run off ph ever. I didn't have the need on my 1st coco grow.
Shower room looking top pal,

The way I look at is a few scabby leaves ain't going to be the end of the world, you can do more damage chasing an imaginary line ,
Yeah, @hairyman I've heard of growers finishing plants with deficiencies. Come to think of it, my red poison did the same thing, but I was in soil then.