db003's - Mars pro II 320 - multi autoflower strains in super soil - closet grow

time for a watering update on my autos in my super soil mix that I made I gave them plain water ph. to 6.6 with citric acid crystals I gave them about 2 gallon split between them

from now on I will be watering at the same time I water my other plants which is every 2 days since they are drying out a bit faster since its getting hotter outside

I noticed since I turned the mars pro II 320 on full blast with the grow and bloom switch on that it got real hot real fast in there like in the 90's hot and that's way to hot for my plants so I checked my exhaust fan with the carbon filter and it was blowing very little air out so I removed the carbon filter and bam that thing is blowing air out great now so I will just leave it off and hope that helps with the temps

3 of these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#20[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the cmxl is in day [HASHTAG]#13[/HASHTAG] from sprout one of the seeds did not make it in the beginning of the grow so this was it replacement

time for a watering update on my autos in my super soil mix that I made I gave them plain water ph. to 6.6 with citric acid crystals I gave them about 1 gallon split between them

well it looks like me taking off the carbon filter has helped me drop the temps in the closet it was at highs of 93 degrees the other day and when I checked on it today it was down to highs of 82 degrees its still high but way better the 93 degrees lol so I will just leave it off the humidity was lowered as well so that's a plus as well and my lows are at 77 degrees by the way

I noticed I have a few fungus gnats in there which is normal for soil grows so I ordered some yellow sticky traps for it they should be here by next week or so its not big deal I am not going to stress out on a few fungus gnats like I used to lol

3 of these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#22[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the cmxl is in day [HASHTAG]#15[/HASHTAG] from sprout the cmxl was planted last

I had/may still have fungus gnats on my current run, though I got some nematodes as the nuclear option, strongly recommend you seek em out bro, should only be $15 maybe less, kills em stone dead and no effect on the babies.

I applied mine 4 days ago, my groom is in separate location, going to sort some stuff out tomoz, hopefully I won't find anymore.
Hopefully you can check out my grow if possible m8, it'd be great to have your input as one of my inspirations off GC:-

time to play mad scientist with db003 Mwuhahahahaha!

so I bought this product called "holy terp pure" for a company called holy terp it is supposed to Liquefy your extract while maintaining its own flavor I got it so I could make some of the wax I got and make it in to a liquid state so I could use it in a vape pen style vaporizer or e cig or what every you want to call it lol

they have other products but some of those have PG and VG in them but I wanted to try this once since the website says its all organic with No Glycol No PEG and No Glycerin

I got the holy terp pure flavorless starter kit it came with a blunt tip needle a syringe a empty vile and a 4ml vile of the holy terp pure flavorless solution it cost me 25 dollars in total with tax and shipping they have quite a few different flavors by the way but I got this one

this is basically just like Connoisseur Concentrates the Solution but cheaper so I wanted to try it for the hell of it I do want to try the Connoisseur Concentrates the Solution once I get some money to compare it since I have heard it is way better but that just from a few reviews I have read online so it could be a toss up

so I took a gram of wax it was a mix of a few different waxes I had left in in containers and .5ml of holy terp pure I got the flavorless version first thing I noticed is that it says flavorless but it does a have a flavor well at least in it pure concentrate form and a scent I have not got to try it once it was mixed up with the wax yet not sure if there was a mix up or its just like that I just wanted to point that out

so I took the wax and holy terp pure and put it in a glass vile that came with the starter kit I got and used a lighter very carefully to heat it to mix it up it took me like 5 to 10 minutes to get it mixed all the way next time I will try a hot water bath since I think that will work better and there is less risk of messing it up with too much heat

I got a glass .5ml vape cartridge from eBay and filled it with the liquid wax solution but the cartridge does not work with the button less style of pen I already have so I ordered a different one its a vision spinner 2 pen style battery it should be here in a few days

I did still have a cartridge that is refillable that came with the pen that I already have that was pretty much empty it had some cannabis infused VG liquid I tried to make a while back that I think did not come out well so I emptied the rest of it out as best as I could and put a bit of the liquid wax solution and put some in there

I would like to note that I did this a while after I first made the liquid wax solution and once it gets cold it does get thick like cold honey but with a little heat it will get runnier so I used a little heat and it was easy to put it in the cartridge

right now I am waiting for the battery to charge so I can try it out

now I know there are a lot of different ways to get this done without something to dilute the wax like for instance co2 oil or thc distillate but that shit is expensive

since I already had the wax I went this route it was just something I wanted to try pretty sure it will work but will I like it that will still be determined if not I could always use the liquid wax and make moon rocks or something with it because I dam sure am not wasting a gram of wax lol and if you are wondering I dont make the wax I get most of mine for the clinic but its not the best but not the worst I get for about 20 a gram most of the time

now there is some info on holy terp pure from there website that I copied and pasted

Liquefy your extract while maintaining its own flavor!

All Organic
No Glycol
No Glycerin

With Pure you can liquefy and emulsify your concentrates without having to dilute your concentrate too much. You can use ratios as low as 0.1 mL Pure : 1 g of concentrate while still enriching it with terpenes.

Can be used as an additive or as-is with your extract or concentrate without ever worrying about separation.

"Pure" features a hint of everything, this allows the product to fully vivify your extract in what it's missing.

Mix Pure with extract at 0.2 mL-0.6 mL : 1 g extract. 18 drops of "Pure" is equivalent to about 0.5 ml-Stir under 120°F until the extract dissolves.-
0.1 mL : 1 g of concentrate is perfect for concentrates that are a honey / syrup-consistency-at room temperature.-
0.5 mL : 1 g of-concentrate is perfect for concentrates that are completely-solidified at room temperature.
See guide for more detailed instructions.

Proprietary Organic Blend

time for a watering update on my autos in my super soil mix that I made I gave them plain water ph. to 6.5 with citric acid crystals I gave them about 2 gallon split between them

plants are looking really green so far

3 of these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#24[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the cmxl is in day [HASHTAG]#17[/HASHTAG] from sprout the cmxl was planted last
