here mate, they look fuckin lovely ! well done good sir. you know, i love folk that can bake. nothin better than goin round for dinner and theres a freshly made loaf to go with your soup. ive never tried it myself. my mrs can bake puddins. fruit loafs, fruit pies ( brittish pies, not those fuckin rediculous skooshy cream things you yankee lot call pie lol)
why do you get called yankees? never wondered that before.. ill googlecate myself later on... hmmm... can i copyrite that? no. i dont know how. gon somebody copyrite that please and give me my 10% when its ready : ) muchas gracias.
anyway, the main thing that puts me off trying it is that ive had a whole load of really good smellin but really fuckin shit made breads from people trying to impress me at dinner parties!!

so i dont think its as easy as you make it look lol
you are indeed a masterbaker archie....
im actually giggling like fuck here, my mate was once an 'apprentice masterbaker' best job title ever lol