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An 8 footer, nice!! Any problems with mold ont he cherry bomb?
Lol a whole lotta problems. Not mold though. We had a hurricane, and It got hot with about 4-5 days of rain straight, week before that we got about 3 days straight. I thought it may have been fusarium wilt or fusarium root rot, by the time I realized there was a problem it was too late. She was fine up until the hurricane the day after all the rain she was good. Day after that leaves were dropping real bad, started getting spots on it and shit. She was done. Hurt my feelings. I haven't even attempted to grow anything over there since. They say the fusarium can lye dormant for some time, then boom you got it.
Great tool, works flawlessly! No calibration required just watch the flashing lights. If it flashes 300 its 300. if it flashes 300 then 200 then 300 .... its 250. if it flashes 300 then 200 then 300 then 200 and stays on 200 its 225. AS to how much ppm/.ec charts =D that is all plant and grow medium dependant ! If the plant fades to up the .ec if your tips burn cut it back. Keep detailed notes and weigh/measure everything you add. :d5:

Can anyone direct me to a SIMPLE guide on how I use a blue truncheon,I suppose I mean like a chart for what ec for what stage of a plants life
Good Morning Boys and Girls . Gave the girls a little foliar this a.m. :thumbsup: I'm liking the Mammoth P . I combine it with a little molasses in 4 liters of water it gives the MP microbes a little boost :biggrin: Getting a little crowded and we're only at week 5 . Looks like I may have a full house before this is all over . :biggrin:
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you'll be fillin the neighbours house aswell by the looks of it ! :headbang:
British Survey Reveals 98% of Public Want Cannabis Legal

Some startling survey results have revealed that 98% of Briton’s want cannabis legal either medically or recreationally, indicating a turning of opinion in one of the most conservative countries regarding ‘weed‘ in the Western world.

The survey, which was conducted by Scottish newspaper The Evening Express, asked respondents whether they believe cannabis should be legalized in the United Kingdom. An incredible 98.5% of responses answered that cannabis should be made legal in some form. The full results of the survey, as per the Express were:

More than 3400 people took part, with 2623 (75.8%) of people saying that yes cannabis should be made legal, 785 (22.6%) of people said it should be legal but only for medicinal purposes and with a prescription.

Just 53 (1.5%) of people said no, cannabis should remain illegal.

The Express, whose circulation covers the Eastern seaboard of Scotland including Aberdeen, the nation’s third largest city is not considered one of the most popular newspapers in the country. However, it does offer a clear indication of the changing of opinion in the United Kingdom.
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