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He thought they stopped to listen...
But really it was because they spotted the ever so rare ginger rastafari...

Can you believe the Pokémon people...
I mean Jesus Christ my auto spell correct had Pokémon with the accent thingy

I just knew i needed to get out today!! Lost 3 and landed 2 beauty 28" rainbows, one male one female....both just under 9 pounds



Somehow i landed one of those brutes on the other side of this log jam!! It was a hell of a feat!
That perfect cast zinger stung a bit din-nit
Made sure to tag me/ reply to , huh bahahah
Awesome catch buds!! Grubs? What was the temptation?
You fish speckled? That’s a good fight, smart bastards

They were MUCH more cooperative today!! I knew the instant that i saw i nice fish in a pool and he side drifted at my bait(I only run mepps [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] or [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] spinners in gold, silver and copper). I am going to do a full fishing adventure report on my outdoor thread. Even trying to catch the one was crazy and kind of stupid on my part considering my injury...but shit...I got her in and made it through some crazy shit unscathed!! It was a battle and a half!!

I dont fish specks much anymore...I have some insane rivers that you can catch 30 or more per man in a day(easily....sometimes as many as 60), mostly small guys though a few decent 14" come up every outing.
.... that sinking feeling when you realize what you have to pull the line through...

I actually assess the situation the second i see a I will fight and where i will land all is part of the plan before i throw a cast at the fish. Especially when dealing with 10 pounders on 6 pound test!! I had a couple of fish one today and lost them...but they only slipped off, no lures lost!
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