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That's a huge gauge for me. When my joints start to hurt, usually my pH is tanking:thumbsup:
Do you ever do mag baths?
Wow, all of my joints snap crackle and pop! Between my failed back, disintegrated shoulders, knee and hip that forces me to slowly crawl from bed most mornings, I gotta look into this.
yeah I knew a couple in the Navy like that.thats gotta be tough as hell brosepph! I sympathize with you man. I have MS so I get to look forward to MS taking my dick and bowels and other issues in my skull. so I can relate fully since its already happening LOL!!
I’ve got charco Marie tooth syndrome which is killing my nerves attacking my peripheral nerve causing me to have tremors, speech stuttering, memory loss, muscle waste, bone issues, then my hip displaysia has fucked my hip completely up and given me Scrolliosous in my lower spine pinching off my sciatic nerve occasionally. I’m only 32 doctors expect me in a wheelchair before I’m 40 but til then imma do me
yeah that'll change quick.soon too. especially if you do that whole organic thing making it easier and the quality BOOM! most never go back to other forms of their main grows after a few solid organic grows and harvests. very nice!! but either way the quality will be better I'd think anyways so it'll stop ,and the money youll be able to take a holiday. I knew some ladies with Endo..can be very painful!
I second this notion Eyes. I've worked at a grow shop for a number of years, tried pretty much everything under the sun at this point as far as nutrient programs, media, and grow styles go, but once I discovered the water only Vic High Supersoil mix (for photoperiod plants) about 5 years ago I instantly fell in love. While I have changed recipes over the years I have never strayed away from living soil gardening since.
While mineral salt fertilizers certainly do the job (and a damn fine job at that), it is in my experience that a biologically active supersoil will ALWAYS and I mean always produce better aromatic qualities and a richer flavor that is simply unmatched by mineral salts. I'm convinced that there is a very definite link between beneficial microbiology in your rhizosphere and terpene production in your flowers.
well,theoretically if hes using the bottles and the PH was fine there should not be too much of an issue as far as feeding. so i would look at PH personally. and the PH was all over the place whilst doing the pointless shuffle LOL (flushing) taking air and any buffering capacity from the soil so now it reliant on the water and acids to maintain. so imho you got a cpl issues. but Im not a diagnostic guy,soooo.
if your industrious you can make your own frass,composts,bokashi EWC farm and the like. lots of stuff for cheap if you have the time and patience.
Ive been slowly purchasing ammendments from kis. Alfalfa meal, malted barley and potassium silicate. Next is crushed crab/lobster and kelp
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