New Grower Cupcake's , Snowryder & AutoAK47 - Grow Log.

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How will i know when to move the clusters from the hanglines to jars?
This is a good question. Your objective here is to dry slowly and thereby to allow the chemical processes to go to near-completion during the dry period. In this way you'll remove the mowed grass-like taste during the cure. If your cabinet is not fan assisted, and the temp range is between 22-25C (RH <30%) you can keep the process in check by opening the cabinet daily according to your observations. When they 'feel' completely dry observe the mobility/flexibility of the stems. They wont be completely dry - well hopefully not since some moisture in the stems is needed to rehydrate the clusters to equilibrium in the cure process (in the jar). You will notice that when the cluster parts 'feel' completely dry (or ~95%), they should still move about a bit on the stem when you push them but also feeling like they might snap if you push them too hard. This is jar time.

If the clusters snap easily from the stem you've gone too far. If you cure too early however they will ferment - since in this case the chemical processes are still continuing in the jar (high RH) at an elevated rate and the smoke will be tasting 'sickly' or too sweet. The fine taste lies in the grey area of these two extremes..
Would have given you rep Trifid if it let me, awesome info, appreciated..

just took a look at the girls, they seem happy, it ain't going to be long from here on.

so lets sum it up,

cutting the plant into seperate branches than hanging upside down in my dry box with no vents to airflow in or out, than when but are ready to be jarred leave each bud with a 1-2cm of bud and toss in the jar? how many days should i dry in the conditions you talked about Trifid? is it the same formula as 10% in RH in the drying area equals 1 day of drying and than one more day?
if not than how many days of hanging approx?

and by clusters do you mean the buds?
how many days should i dry in the conditions you talked about Trifid

This depends on your observations. Don't check them too frequently. In this way the conditions in the cab will stabilize. Do check at least once a day though allowing the air in the cab to be quickly exchanged. Some varieties will dry quicker depending on the pheno-type, your preferred manicure technique, the flower's structural characteristics and it's transpiration properties. These things vary from strain to strain so it's hard to tell. Use you observation skill to determine this with the indicators i have provided above (see previous post). Don't let them go too far..
Trifid, I consider my-self one that has knowledge on how the final product should be like properly, the question is, when fully dried but not cured that buds should feel look and smell like good drid bud i get anywhere else? or the curing process turns it to something else tottally, im just reffering to the feeling of a dried bud and the question is, is it suppose to feel smoke-able to a toker like me when it is dried? cause that can be a measurement also, right?

Another thing, From what I understand by just looking at the situation it'll be dried in batches, first the smaller fluffy buds will have to be put in jars than theyr'e big thick brothers, which will take tad longer to dry, so basically.. ill be ''harvesting'' them from the dry box to the jars in several takes, right?
Trifid, I consider my-self one that has knowledge on how the final product should be like properly, the question is, when fully dried but not cured that buds should feel look and smell like good drid bud i get anywhere else? or the curing process turns it to something else tottally, im just reffering to the feeling of a dried bud and the question is, is it suppose to feel smoke-able to a toker like me when it is dried? cause that can be a measurement also, right?

I think i understand what you are describing here. And i can relate to your concern. Yes the dried sub-product is different in appearance to the cured final-product - Once you have cured it the remaining ~10% moisture that is retained in the central stem will equalibrate itself throughout the rest of the product and the air inside the jar, and the buds will feel a little more moist after curing similar to the commercial product you are referring to. Burping the jar serves to remove the moist air and exchange it with fresh (dry) air, and the process is repeated. Thus the more the jars are burped the more moisture you will lose from the product. The cure is terminated according to the grower's preference - as indicated by sampling the product and storing those samples that have sufficiently cured in an inert atmosphere (oxygen less) or in the absence of air.

The texture and density of the cured product will depend on how you choose to store/pack the clusters. Products that have been vacuum packed like much of the commercial product available, will be dense and heavy in appearance. Home-grown products tend to remain slightly airy and resemble the shape that they had when you harvested them. Growers that produce for themselves prefer this since it helps to preserve the trichome arrangement in the product which inhibits the degradation of THC-A.

Another thing, From what I understand by just looking at the situation it'll be dried in batches, first the smaller fluffy buds will have to be put in jars than theyr'e big thick brothers, which will take tad longer to dry, so basically.. ill be ''harvesting'' them from the dry box to the jars in several takes, right?
Yes this is correct. Good to hear you are taking the relevant steps in your logic to prepare accordingly.. :D For the cure stage get yourself a hygrometer or a few and follow Buddah Man's guide -

One thing i might add is yes the larger or 'thicker' colas will take longer, use the same indicators to determine the moisture levels during the drying period. Be careful with these ones - they are favored as the prize harvest and yet are too often cured too early only to turn out disappointing in flavor.
Amazing information, this precious info should be kept here but also moved to another thread so others can refer if this thread will be deleted.. hm.. this is some quality info, thanks Trifid for your take on this, I agree with all you said =]..

on last note for today,

people should really cherish and appreciate the information and help they get around this community along with some good chat and quallity growers.

peace out
"To the victor belong the spoils" Senator William Learned Marcy 1832.

To the victor belong the spoils, not going to post many pics of the harvest tho I did many, as I like photography art. heres a shot of the main cola from one of the Snowryders, the yield on those 3 really looks massive.. and the dankest shit I have ever seen.. trimming it .was a nice experience .. all the oil.. stickiness and deep aroma ... good music... a quick microwave dried bud , the sweetest most potent stuff i have ever toked, and i've traveled alot including Amsterdam... still the strongest indica hybrid i've met.. hmm... heres the 3 pics anyways...
Good vibes, waiting for responses on these.

So now on final notes.. before I can give you any numbers...
SnowRyder was a pleasure to grow got the seeds from White Label. they handled tons of nutes, showed alot of resilience in consider to slight shock and stress.. and they showed an amazing purple at the last 2 weeks which by the looks will cure eventually to a deeper purpl'ish ... they smelled slightly during veg and massively in the end of flowering.. really STINK SHIT. they showed sex late and flowered very fast. any who they did awesome. grew em in 7L square pots... and they got over 98cm tall.. tallest one was around 105cm... so here are the3 pics im releasing :} enjoy.
Note of appreciation:
Muddy,.. I don't know really know how this one would go without you mate.. I had some stressfull moments in there, and you always knew how to calm me up quickly and help me find a the proper action to take. my 3 snowryder ladies thank you deeply Sir.

also a big thanks to y'all my good pals helping me out.. you know who you are buddies <3 .


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looks really tasty. for sure snow belongs in the name. if you been that many places and tried as many strains, and this is best to you. maybe i need to look closer at it for some of my future stock. i love those "snow" strains. nice sugars on these things for sure. great job. enjoy the fruits of your successful grow. i can see why you'd be stoked to hell about it.
Just a size mention, that first pic is like a baseball bat sized thing.. and heavy shit too :D
You've done an excellent job CC. Congratulations mate :thumbs: Very nicely presented too, love those pictures..


Hat's off to you my humble friend! :smokeit: +rep!