Thanks @MesaBoogie. I think the the "spray as early as possible" makes total sense with autos. It is totally a hormonal thing. Photos shift on light period, so ethylene production kicks in. Recommended spray is 1 week before the flip, to kick in the silver into the plant right before light/hormonal flip.
Auto's on the other hand are "ticking time bombs" ... light agnostic. And sex around day 21. So that means ethylene synthesis is working well before that, maybe even from birth.
That is my theory based from my research. So what applies to photos will only slow down on an auto since you need to work harder to reverse the already set in place hormonal pathways.
I will definitely know for sure since I'm spraying a youngling
Auto's on the other hand are "ticking time bombs" ... light agnostic. And sex around day 21. So that means ethylene synthesis is working well before that, maybe even from birth.
That is my theory based from my research. So what applies to photos will only slow down on an auto since you need to work harder to reverse the already set in place hormonal pathways.
I will definitely know for sure since I'm spraying a youngling
