CS - 1st timer questions. How to time it? Better to reverse half a plant and pollinate it?

I'm going to make a 3 way 9V like you. Are you doing it in a triangle? Got a pick of your battery set up please?

Also how long are you running your CS for?
I'm away from home currently for a pic, but you can just google Colloidal silver 9v batter in series. You'll get some pics. It's just basically connecting the positive to the negative terminals. It'll look like a "triangle" when done. Run a wire from the 1 positive terminal remaining to one of your silver rods and connect another wire to your negative terminal and the other silver rod. I let mine go for about 6-8 hours. I clean the rods every 30min to hour with just a piece of paper towel. Make sure you're using distilled water. When done I also filter the solution through a coffee filter. I have no idea if that actually does anything, I've just read that smaller particles are better and figured maybe that would do something.
I'm away from home currently for a pic, but you can just google Colloidal silver 9v batter in series. You'll get some pics. It's just basically connecting the positive to the negative terminals. It'll look like a "triangle" when done. Run a wire from the 1 positive terminal remaining to one of your silver rods and connect another wire to your negative terminal and the other silver rod. I let mine go for about 6-8 hours. I clean the rods every 30min to hour with just a piece of paper towel. Make sure you're using distilled water. When done I also filter the solution through a coffee filter. I have no idea if that actually does anything, I've just read that smaller particles are better and figured maybe that would do something.

Thanks I'll be putting one together tomorrow
Thanks I'll be putting one together tomorrow
one thing i forgot to mention when I said 6-8 hours is the volume of water. When I make a batch I just use enough water for 1 run. So I just fill a small salsa jar with distilled water.