Sweet Seeds Crystal Candy with Biotabs & GN Telos

I think so Maria - I'll be introducing them to the bioPK soon and doing some defoliation ... it's getting a bit Jungly in there!
We're only half way there ... still livin' on a prayer


It's always on a prayer until the papers are licked and the J is blazing.
I've just cut one, and more to follow soon.
But I never count my buds until they're blazing... :P
:jawdrop: Blooo, tell me that wide load chick is photo-shopped! :pimp: :crying: ... holy crap, you could go spelunking in that ass-crevasse! :nono: :haha:

...leaf twist could be T/RH% related too luv,.. any idea what those have been, or was there some weather that caused extremes? Sensei Ganjamoto is also right! A whole lot of this ties into that VPD (vapor pressure deficit) thing,... I posted some good info on this in the Reference section- :thumbsup: ... it's the transpiration machine that brings the water and nutes from roots up; when the T and RH% are off, it impaired transpiration, and can cause a host of symptoms/problems,... I can't tell in that light mate, are the top leaves showing some "zebra striping"? that's a micronute defc. starting if so,... I did mention this as a distinct possibility with such feeds and systems :biggrin:... did you find some yet? I wish you had Optic Foliar Transport + micro's, that'll whip the skippy right off those leaves! :rofl: ....... I'd say stretch ended, my girl didn't do much past the fuzzy crowns forming,... A serious haircut is in order! When you defol', make sure the T and RH% are in nice zone, so as to not stress her with the sudden loss of machinery,...
:eyebrows: saaaaaay,... now would be a good time for those styro-wedgies after you thin out the jungle some!... bend some of those branches down and out to open things up even more,...(*snicker-snort)....:eek1: :haha:.... time to fabricate some up luv! :headbang:

(vapor pressure deficit)

Oooooh ^_^ *repeats verrrry slowly*
"Vapour .... Presssssure. .....Deficittttt" :rofl: ... I'll be using that one in the help sections!!

...leaf twist could be T/RH% related too luv,.. any idea what those have been,

Actually when i first started this grow i had my Thermo/hygro meter in my hand and was about to put it in the tent .. but then thought to myself .... does the micro herd care about the humidity or temps ... they're hidden underground ... happily multiplying.
Then i thought ... i mean really.... do i care? ... well "care" isn't exactly the right word, because i kinda do ... but i have no control of it ... other than putting a heater on if it gets cold.

So in short - no lol

are the top leaves showing some "zebra striping"? that's a micronute defc. starting if so,

They're not like zebras .. just a bit pale and twisty ... like hungover or something - had a bad night!

.. I did mention this as a distinct possibility with such feeds and systems :biggrin:

You did .... :(

... did you find some yet?

I didn't ...... :(

A serious haircut is in order! When you defol', make sure the T and RH% are in nice zone, so as to not stress her with the sudden loss of machinery,...

Wet towel!! Got it! :D

:eyebrows: saaaaaay,... now would be a good time for those styro-wedgies after you thin out the jungle some!... bend some of those branches down and out to open things up even more,...(*snicker-snort)....:eek1: :haha:.... time to fabricate some up luv! :headbang:

Always making more work for poor ole blue :rofl: .... why is it never easy?!! Whhhyyyyyyyy!?

I don't wanna go to work today ... can i work from home?? ..... Let my body do the work (work work work work)

Thanks WairaDiddle :D


Photo Update - Day 31



You See Ma??? ... There's no Taco's anymore

That is one happy-sassy girl. Absolutely gorgeous.
Little Update Day 41.

Given a light feed of BioPK and ogratrex ... other than that it's just had the 2 biotabs.


Good things come in small packages? :rofl:
I'll be ramping up the PK feedings from now - see if i can get some fattness to those flowers!!

:goodluck: but it seems to be going pretty well @blue !

Thanks for the like Bomb Elle :D


She's a little short and stumpy one .. but i think there's quite a bit to her, so fingers crossed there'll be some nice fat flowers to harvest!! :pop:

Day 48 Photo Update


She's taken 2 bio PK feedings this week.
Also had quite a serious haircut - probably taken over 50 leaves, some dead, some dying - some perfect healthy but hiding the budsites.

Bottom budsite almost got the chop as looking a bit mincey - however i am an optimist! :D
She may be small, but smelling delicious with lots of lovely budsites that i'm trying to keep well ventilated. I've seen a small SS plant perform well before

Hoping for one of these .....


fingers crossed! :D

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:headbang: buds look to be shaping up well-- go PK!! :coffee:...her haircut is certainly helping, and she still looks a bit shaggy...:vibe:.... a trend, that's either linked to the lights or the Biotabs, or both, is that damn yellowing at the tops,.. looks like a micronute defc. acting up, so you know what I going to say already,... damn, I know there's a UK available product for micro's, but I forget what it's called,... I'd try slipping a little epsoms in there too, for the S mainly, but the extra Mg won't hurt,...1 tsp/L, top fed to get it in there ASAP,...
How's her aroma Blooo, super delish' fruity punch? :drool: