Indoor CO's Organic Auto Jungle

And the cropped branches did already lift their heads a little until 1, but it will most likely take a littel longer since its at the end of a long branch. Will update the progress tomorrow to proof how much life this plant spreads even beeing forced to fit ( I am really sorry I cant leave it alone...)
Took a day off, so heres the update on the cropped Blueberry branches. Still watering with Guano+CalMag (100g Guano on 2l hot water+50g dolomitic lime(CalMag), stirred then taken 100ml on 10l TapWater), got some light burned tips on the BB and some silverish layover...maybe a bit too much feeding and the little bugs I saw before? Nevermind, heres go the picz..

looks like the cropping was the right decision. they slowly lift their heads, more space for buds and no burn from the light anymore.
here some few detailed shots of the singel branches

uncropped, bend down only.

The leaves with silverish layover, the bugs must have been shitting on me -i think ill gonna try to wipe it off sometime next week.
Finally finding my way around this forum.

Your light hood/reflector... Your.. Everything, I fucking love it, and I'm strealing some ideas. I'm glad I found my way over here

Thats nice, I was glad to stick around AFN 2. Lets share the knowledge and grow together. Just ask if you want some details. Good luck with your Project!
Just read through and I must say, that is one of the biggest CFL plants I've seen in a long time!!!!

Have you ever heard of bud washing?? I do it, or at least try to do it every harvest as it really does clean off a lot of the dust, bugs, bug shits, animal/human hair, fart particles, etc... It's a 3-part system that is easy to do, but if you had any signs of rot, you add a step whereas you soak in H2O2 solution first, and then proceed with the following steps.. You don't lose trichs, potency or any of that nonsense, and it even slightly plumps the buds and they seem to dry a little quicker and more evenly.. Definitely something to consider if you have had issues with fungus gnats or any other pests in the garden..
Just read through and I must say, that is one of the biggest CFL plants I've seen in a long time!!!!

Have you ever heard of bud washing?? I do it, or at least try to do it every harvest as it really does clean off a lot of the dust, bugs, bug shits, animal/human hair, fart particles, etc... It's a 3-part system that is easy to do, but if you had any signs of rot, you add a step whereas you soak in H2O2 solution first, and then proceed with the following steps.. You don't lose trichs, potency or any of that nonsense, and it even slightly plumps the buds and they seem to dry a little quicker and more evenly.. Definitely something to consider if you have had issues with fungus gnats or any other pests in the garden..

I would really like to read about that! Just drop your knowledge right here or link me up! Unfortunately i now have all those Problems occured. Since i was busy for a week and did not really take care and take closer loox, i forgot to turn the fan on, so just the usual filter air was blwoing through. Now I got my gift on Christmas when i checked them....I lost a Piece of the main Cola of my MicronTao...I will drop some NEWS with pics so you can share my loss...

Things are looking good over here my dude! I've been really interested in Top Tao genetics for quite some time now, but haven't seen any journals out there. Can't wait to see how they do! Tuning in.....

I really recommend TopTaoSeeds. The mold Problem that occured on my MicronTao was my fault...the environmental circumstances (temp changes+ no air movement probably caused water Drops to let this fat bud where no air came in mold*) werent good and it is my first go with Autos and CFL, too. So stuff like this can happen and is most likely not the genetics fault. Ist smelling pretty tasty i tell ya...bust see fo yourself in my next update coming soon.

*I watered her good 2 and she is drinking reaaallly slow since the buds well up, so this is another Thing i did wrong (just for you all to know so you dont make the same mistake that make you loose 5g quick..)