Live Stoner Chat corona virus

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not being strange or anything but I just see like 20 lights in sky for last half n hour then police heli going round closest 1 then they all disapered in a second. they wernt planes choppers or drones look out your windows people

picz or it didn't happen :coffee: ppp
How to make disinfection at home:


- 200ml Isopropol or pure alcohol
- 1 Teaspoon of citric acid powder
- 250 ml water

shake well and ready to use 100% disinfection for virus, bacteria etc.
200 ml of 95% ethanol (everclear or equivalent) plus 250 ml of water makes ~42% ethanol. Current recommendations are to use > 60% ethanol. The recipe apparently assumes that the citric acid will make the dilute mixture more effective. Do you have a source for this assumption?

I have also seen claims that isopropyl alcohol is not as effective as ethanol, and am interested in a source for the use of this alcohol as well. Isopropyl alcohol available to most of us in various concentrations often a lot less than 95-100%, so the recipe would have to be changed to result in the same end concentration.

Please accept that I am not trying to be difficult here, I am just concerned that we need to make sure that this sort if information is correct. This pandemic is an extremely serious event, and we are all going to need effective tools to keep ourselves and others safe.
My wife and I are self isolating for over 2 weeks now. Of course we are concerned about getting infected but personally it would be terrible to be responsible for the infection and death of a family member or friend or anyone for that matter because I failed to heed the warnings.
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