Mephisto Genetics Connoisseur Automatic's

Hey, sorry to hear your still dealin with the pain man. I got some good pain going on atm lol.
Yea, Im ramping up my game plan. Specially since Im not harvesting a cheeseberry auto right now. It didnt autoflower. So, Im down at least 2-4 ounces. So, Ive been germing a lot lol.

Those mephsto girls looks so frosted and sparkly. I love it man. I do love me some mephisto strains. I still need to grow my sour hounds. Cheers my friend.
yeah the real bitch is I was supposed to get some more caps buuuut have no clue where my buddy is soooo now Im forced to make some of my own cuz the pain is just nasty.its kind of a pain actually.they ramp up your tolerance so even smoking only helps a little,but then again I only have mexi brick crap to smoke atm.soooo.yeah not been awesome man and Im always dealing with new pains and severe aching in y hands.even here after 10 minutes or a little longer if Im lucky the right side of my hand and forearm just are in serious pain man,like over worked sore kinda pain too.and if I did something id understand...buuuut with the outta nowhere kinda issues ,discomfort as well as some nasty ass pain and now I have not a things.LMFAO!! The Irony man the irony lmfao!I help ppl ALL the time too.I grow for them and much of everything else and when I need a good fortune to shone on me a time er two i get passed over..lmfao eh well,such as my story anyways and the ways of life.fukin SUX if ya ask me..lmfao ALL of it too.I just wish Id hurry up n pass on from this world man.seriously.noo noo I aint all messed up dudes.I really feel that way.the only thing ill miss is the self of me..thats all.Im sick n tired of being sick n tired man..i mean DAMN!! so seriously nasty shit this MS man.well I have CSI or something.its a constant dealing with MS symptoms verses the every month or two having a week or bad days er similar.NOPE not I !! Ihad to get the always on kind lmfao like they say in the movie levity ..when I die and see god or whomever the hell this joker is,Imma whoop is holy ass lmfao!! get that discomfort under control bro!!
yeah been working a lotr in the garden lately and have taken a fair amount of pics man. frigin nice n lovely wee plants man,and the wgite train and Triangle are up.less than 24 hrs from putting them to bed they woke n say WTF is goin on round here LOL!

I put this Sherry Moon Zombie back up cuuzzz The Lords of Salem is coming..LOL!!

Thanks Again Mitch and Tim.

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over the next cpl days er so these three will come down and here are some regular lighting pics of the smaller White Train n the white triangle too.had a small spore take n bust a move on one of them fungi caps LOL!
Just listening to my playlist LOL!

hey guys,I took the toof X Alien,the Supernatural OG and the Triangle and Alien cross too i think it was. lovely lemon on the OG i believe..or maybe it was the three sided alien..LOL but they both were frigin absolutely killer.and the Toothless Alien was amazizizing even..sloid nugs and they werent rocks but beautiful structure and roundness to them.nice and uniform to them and the frost was only beating by the sour hound to date in my garden..looking forward to getting atleast a three week sit on them atleast.last round they pretty much ALL matured up a week er two earlier than i thought so again that was awesome and i think these will do similar imo.anywho,thanks again Mitch n Tim.the Whites are going as we speak.

half of these were yours LOL!
