Sounds good to me
@Badfinger I’m with you till the end. My plan is only thing going in the pot via water is RO water. no ph adjusting unless I see it’s really low or approved by AFNCoM committee(anyone in this thread).
Wonder if it would be a good idea for everyone doing experiment to give a brief summary of your experiment specs?
For me:
Light schedule:24/0- after first true leaves i will ramp up light to 40 DLI(+/- 2) and leave it there for whole grow.
Strain: Mepthisto genetics forum stomper
Container: 5 gallon coda grow bag
Soil: CoM platinum straight out of the bag
Germination method: wet paper towel till .25" tail then to final home.
water source: cheap RO system no PH adjusting unless below 6 water only
Feed: CoM top dress products only following autoflower schedule per CoM. ICE: i have recharge and some RAW molassas i like
@badfingers idea but i don"t know how to use it.
I will be focusing sticking to the plan, LST or topping , and good watering practices with this experiment. To hopefully get a could understanding on how to TLS.
anything else please add and I will update mine. just trying to keep this detailed as possible for future CoM growers
I will be planting this week.