Old Reviews Coast of Maine Stonington Blend

Sounds good to me @Badfinger I’m with you till the end. My plan is only thing going in the pot via water is RO water. no ph adjusting unless I see it’s really low or approved by AFNCoM committee(anyone in this thread).

Wonder if it would be a good idea for everyone doing experiment to give a brief summary of your experiment specs?
For me:
Light schedule:24/0
Strain: Mepthisto genetics forum stomper
Container: 5 gallon coda grow bag
Soil: CoM platinum straight out of the bag
Germination method: I’m not set in stone with that as I am still dialing in my method in there. either wet paper towel to final pot or wet paper towel to jiffy pellet then to final home.
water source: cheap RO system
I will be focusing on training and good watering practices with this experiment.

anything else please add and I will update mine. just trying to keep this detailed as possible for future CoM growers

I will be planting this week.

I Like this idea. Here's my specs.

Light schedule: 18:6. Aiming for 35 DlI in early veg, 40 in late veg, and around 50 in flower
Strain: Purple Punch auto, Barneys Farm (Subject to change, will update if changes.)
Container: Vivosun 5 gallon fabric pot
Soil: CoM Stonington blend straight out of bag no additives
Germination method: Not sure here. Never used soil before, only coco, so not sure how to properly water for germ or after honestly. In coco I have two methods. 1) Germ in a glass of water and plant in coco. 2) Germ in medium (water everyday).
Water Source: Home RO system.
Extras: Hydro guard 1x a week for insurance (my 5 gallon pots will be in contact with water collection trays 100% of the time, unfortunately no air gap), and recharge IF recommended by someone with more experience than me. However based of what MoG said in a previous comment, I do not think it will be needed.

This grow I would like to focus specifically on getting better at low stress training(my first go around I was clueless. I thought Lst was tying everything down as close to the medium as you could. I have improved since starting on my OG KUSH though.) I would also like to start to learn how to properly water in soil. As I said, I have only grown in coco. Furthermore, I am quite inexperienced. My first grow has not even finished yet. I have a Northern Lights auto at day 88 Flower and it looks like she's ready to come down when I get a bit more amber.

I will start planting as soon as that northern lights comes down. I plan to fully transfer to Organics after this grow, and so as my plants are harvested, I'll be switching the medium over to Stonington blend. So I'll have one going within the next few weeks, but my other three wont start for 4+ weeks.
Light schedule: 18/6, shooting for 40DLI
Strain: 3 Fastbuds Orange Sherbet & one Fastbuds Critcal freebie seed to do diabolical inhuman tests too.
Container: 5 gallon fabric bags
Soil: CoM Stonington blend with 20% perlite added.
Germination method: shot glass of water in a dark place, til I get 1/4-3/8" tail, then into the pots
Water Source: Tap water ph'd to 6.2-6.4
Extras: CoM feeding schedule with Stonington Plant food, Fish Bone meal and a few waterings with Molasses. May try the banana dressing.
My particular strain is capable of reaching 5ft, so I will be Topping/or Training.
I have a Do-Si-Do's that is in flower and was thinking of giving this a try. It's from Royal Queen Seeds
• How banana tea benefits cannabis plants

It’s essential for flowering cannabis plants to have a good amino acid supply. Potassium helps the plant assimilate sugars, starches, and carbohydrates. Banana peels help to increase energy reserves and assist in the construction of complex carbohydrates that give structure to leaves, stems, and buds.

Potassium is also crucial as it aids in the biosynthesis of proteins related to terpenes, the absorption of water by roots, and the regulation of stomata cell guards (for opening and closing).

To help increase your yield, prepare a mix of banana tea, honey, and molasses during the last six weeks of flowering.

• How to make banana tea at home

Boil three banana peels in 1 litre of water; add a little sugar, honey, and molasses. Once the mixture is cold, remove the banana peels and use the resulting liquid to irrigate your marijuana plants.
If you're going to go to all that trouble you might as well mix up a banana FFJ, it'll last you way longer since you dilute it and can keep it instead of having to discard the excess like you would with a tea.
I have a Do-Si-Do's that is in flower and was thinking of giving this a try. It's from Royal Queen Seeds
• How banana tea benefits cannabis plants

It’s essential for flowering cannabis plants to have a good amino acid supply. Potassium helps the plant assimilate sugars, starches, and carbohydrates. Banana peels help to increase energy reserves and assist in the construction of complex carbohydrates that give structure to leaves, stems, and buds.

Potassium is also crucial as it aids in the biosynthesis of proteins related to terpenes, the absorption of water by roots, and the regulation of stomata cell guards (for opening and closing).

To help increase your yield, prepare a mix of banana tea, honey, and molasses during the last six weeks of flowering.

• How to make banana tea at home

Boil three banana peels in 1 litre of water; add a little sugar, honey, and molasses. Once the mixture is cold, remove the banana peels and use the resulting liquid to irrigate your marijuana plants.
Can also do it like
Day 10 of COM grow, have three plants going.Only PHd lake water mixed with green coconut water powder so far

the Anvil looks like she might be getting too much nitrogen. ( or bad genitics)
The Mimosa is loving it though.
Enjoying the talk on the thread and thanks for the feeding schedule. Will go to Day 21 and then top dress.



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No adverse reactions that I would associate with my fertilizing, I’ll add pics in a bit. I did accidentally turn my lights to the lowest setting which lowered the temps to 63 for a few days until I figured out my stoner mistakes. So can’t really be definitive in any findings
Hey Newman, it's been just over a week since you added both nutes at the same time. How are they handling it? Any nitrogen concerns?

I still continue to feed the
No adverse reactions that I would associate with my fertilizing, I’ll add pics in a bit. I did accidentally turn my lights to the lowest setting which lowered the temps to 63 for a few days until I figured out my stoner mistakes. So can’t really be definitive in any findings
Do you continue to feed along with the fish meal The OG stonington fertilizer? I have been…