Old Reviews Coast of Maine Stonington Blend

Am assuming you have your cup of water in a dark place, like a cupboard or closet.

Yep. In my lung room to my grow room. Lung room temp is about 70F so I just take the cup of water covered it and put it in a blacked out drawer. I usually check for germination everyday, and will change the water out everyday until it germinates. This is my fav method because you just look through a clear glass and can see if it has germinated or not. Have to keep it in a dark place though if using a clear glass/container.
I will take this opportunity to update. I harvested my first ever autoflower on 02/02/22. The buds are a bit fluffier than expected, but happy for a first grow. Now to aim for a 10 day dry at 60/60. Anyways, that's not what this is about.

I have a free space in my tent now. On 02/03/22, I put a purple punch auto seed in a cup of water, as of yet it has not germinated. Though to be frank, I expect it'll take a couple days as the seed has been in the fridge a while. My items will be arriving tonight (CoM Stonington Blend, Organic plant food, and fish meal.) I plan to layer the bottom of my fabric pot with 1 inch perlite (my thought process is allowing a bit of airflow because my pot will be on the ground directly?) Then fill the pot up 1 inch from the top with the CoM soil(soil should settle down an inch or so after first watering I believe). I will then keep this in my tent to acclimate the soil to correct temperature. From here, when my seed germinates I will be putting it directly in the medium, and watering only say 30ml a day until it starts needing more. I've never used soil before so this will be a learning experience. I've heard you don't want the soil wet, but you also don't want it dry. Seems like a fun challenge to try and find the proper balance.
I think you’ll be happy with soil, that’s all I use and all I probably will, it’s just a natural place for plants to grow, I use a spray bottle after I put a seed directly into the medium and keep it moist I directly put seeds in soil and have pretty good luck with the germ process it’s just so simple. If you’re tent is on concrete like a basement floor you’ll want to get it up off the floor a little bit I have a a metal grate of sorts that fit well in the tent space also use plant saucers for run off, I didn’t do that a year ago and now I’m grateful to have learned a thing or two.
I think you’ll be happy with soil, that’s all I use and all I probably will, it’s just a natural place for plants to grow, I use a spray bottle after I put a seed directly into the medium and keep it moist I directly put seeds in soil and have pretty good luck with the germ process it’s just so simple. If you’re tent is on concrete like a basement floor you’ll want to get it up off the floor a little bit I have a a metal grate of sorts that fit well in the tent space also use plant saucers for run off, I didn’t do that a year ago and now I’m grateful to have learned a thing or two.
Also could you explain how you water the CoM soil? i am new when it comes to this and have not watered soil correctly in the past. this is also the reason i switched to coco so i didn't have worry as much about over/underwater issues. do you water the whole pot when you prep your pot? or just mist the top before planting?
I think you’ll be happy with soil, that’s all I use and all I probably will, it’s just a natural place for plants to grow, I use a spray bottle after I put a seed directly into the medium and keep it moist I directly put seeds in soil and have pretty good luck with the germ process it’s just so simple. If you’re tent is on concrete like a basement floor you’ll want to get it up off the floor a little bit I have a a metal grate of sorts that fit well in the tent space also use plant saucers for run off, I didn’t do that a year ago and now I’m grateful to have learned a thing or two.

This is my next order of business. I want to find some way to elevate my pots off the ground. Mainly for better airflow. I have done my best to make sure floor temp isn't a factor. IE; Tent is on a wooden floor. Tent has 2 layers of thick fabric between plant saucer and wooden floor. Also I have double stacked my plant saucers so the saucer itself touching the plant isn't touching the floor.
Ok guys time for a quick update. In my last update I had said my CoM soil would be arriving that day, and that my seed still hadn't germinated. Well my seed still has not germinated, but in a lucky turn of events, my CoM soil was also delayed by a day or so. It is set to arrive tonight, and if it does then I will pot it up and get it in the tent to acclimate. I will update when my seed germinates and I am able to get it into the soil. I would also like to state that from my seed in pot post, I will be uploading pictures once a week if possible. Along with my other specifications if people are interested.
Did I understand you correctly, that you use the plant food the whole grow? Do you use 1/4 cup every 3 weeks as recommended?
Yes that’s correct but the plants will tell you when they have had enough so keep an eye on them, I haven’t pushed my plants that much in the past so this time I’m giving them about an 1/8 of a cup scuffed into the top of the soil every watering, I have 3 gallon fabric containers and when they were young and in early flower they got about a half gallon(no runoff) now that they are full flower and getting fat and frosty I give them 1 gallon every watering, which is 3-4 days depending on conditions I use the feel method of watering by weight of the plant, if it’s light and dry water if it’s damp and still feeling heavy I wait.
I have fed the girls 3x with the fish food and that may do it for a while, the leaves are telling me they have plenty I think, I’m still learning all the time
Also could you explain how you water the CoM soil? i am new when it comes to this and have not watered soil correctly in the past. this is also the reason i switched to coco so i didn't have worry as much about over/underwater issues. do you water the whole pot when you prep your pot? or just mist the top before planting?

when starting seeds I just keep the area where the seed is damp all the time, after the seedlings have popped through I slowly add I little more then I use the leaves as a guide and switch to a cup or jar a go around the the outside of the leaves to expand the watering area butnot to overdo it as the plant grows the area width of which I water widens until the plants gets watered like any other, I only ask for runoff after it’s well into flowering and with auto flowers it’s anywhere from day 30-45 depending on the plant. The plants tell you a lot, if they are green I’d say they are happy and so am I for growing organic
when starting seeds I just keep the area where the seed is damp all the time, after the seedlings have popped through I slowly add I little more then I use the leaves as a guide and switch to a cup or jar a go around the the outside of the leaves to expand the watering area butnot to overdo it as the plant grows the area width of which I water widens until the plants gets watered like any other, I only ask for runoff after it’s well into flowering and with auto flowers it’s anywhere from day 30-45 depending on the plant. The plants tell you a lot, if they are green I’d say they are happy and so am I for growing organic

i want to say also that I believe less is better, I’m not into feeding them anything else even if the leaves get spotty or something I just push them through, I won’t run out and get a bunch of soil amendments because I just want them to grow as is per say…. I’m not looking for massive yields. I do train them and top them sometimes but if you treat them rightthey will reward you, so far so good.